E-Learning News

Coding isn't always computers!

Our Year 5/6 team have begun working on their next project and these ladies have chosen to include coding to show off their understandings!


The digital technologies are more than just using a computer, or making an app, they are integrated throughout all topics. Our Year 5/6 students have decided to mix their art skills with their coding skills to create their own interactive poster! 


While this is still in the early development, keep an eye on this space over the next fortnight, as I am sure they will have something sensational to present very shortly!



E-Learning Coordinator

Zachary Lane

The Cyber Safety Project

The Cyber Safety Project came out to Corpus Christi in Term 4 of 2018, but after a busy year for all of us, some of their ideas are easily put into the back of the mind.  Cyber Safety Project have come out with a short (and useful) reminder about the importance of cyber safety habits. 


The power of NO (but why):

Children will always test limits. Regularly! So being consistent with your ‘NO’ message is critical, however it is even more important for your child to understand why  this limit or restriction is in place. Knowledge is power so if your child asks you for permission to access an App that you haven't heard of before, responding with “not right now, but I will look into this” will buy you time. Set a follow up time to learn more about the App or platform together before a decision is made.


The Cyber Safety Project recommends including the following items in your Family Digital Use Guidelines:

  • No screens in children's bedrooms
  • Devices are charged in common areas of the home
  • Set screen time limits for home, car and when out and about
  • Enforce Social Media age restrictions (ie. 13 years and older for Snapchat and Instagram)
  • Rules are rules for everyone - adults to model and follow these too!

For more information, visit: 
