Student Wellbeing News

Wellbeing Spotlight: 5/6 Community 

Focus: Being safe on social media


The focus for the Year 5/6 wellbeing unit this term has been around managing our use of social media. In the ever changing digital world we live in, the online world has opened up various avenues for communication to occur. It was made clear that students in the Year 5/6 Community are beginning to use a range of social media outlets and that safe use of these sites was highlighted to the students. Sessions on this topic taught students how to use social media appropriately in a safe and positive manner.


Students explored the digital Me, See, We Space.

·Me -  A space for 'my' eyes only and requires a password to access.

·WE - Shared devices or platforms where multiple users can access and view content posted and shared.

·SEE - Open spaces online where anyone who would like to access the space/account/profile can.


By exploring these three dimensions, students learnt the importance of securing their privacy online and how their digital footprint can have long lasting effects. This area of wellbeing was not to deter students from using social media, as the online world has many benefits, however it was important to discuss  to ensure students made good choices online in their lead up to transitioning into high school. 

Wellbeing Groups

Juniors/ Middle

Focus: Telling someone my worries


Students listened to a book titled 'How Big are Your Worries Little Bear?'  They discussed what triggered Bear to worry and what strategies he used to ease his worries.


We discussed the importance of sharing our worries with someone we trust. Students identified five main people that they feel safe to tell their worries. 



Focus: Identifying our worries


Firstly, we had a circle time identifying something we worry about.

Students wrote down five of their main worries and shared these with a partner. In partners, they gave each other strategies and ideas for dealing with these worries effectively.

Wellbeing Tips 


Focus: 12 ways to improve your family's mental wellbeing

Everyone wants to have a happy, healthy family. Here are some proven tips for helping your family thrive.


- Eat Nutrient Heavy, Minimally Processed Food

Bodies and brains work better when given the proper fuel. Nutrient heavy, minimally processed foods provide the fuel we need. Think vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats and avoiding fried, fast, and prepackaged foods. Eating this food together brings additional benefits of family meal time.


- Be Physically Active

Physical activity is good for our physical health and it boosts mood and decreases stress and anxiety. Physical activity can be fun and social as well, increasing its benefits. So, take a family walk, play with your kids, or enjoy a sport together. Just make sure to leave time to relax before bedtime.


- Get Sunlight

Sunlight and being in nature improve mood and decrease stress, so spend some time outside. This can be combined with physical activity and connecting with loved ones to increase the benefits. 


- Connect with Loved Ones

Social connections can be the bright spot of our days. Taking time to focus our attention on talking and listening with loved ones also can improve our sense of wellbeing. Try to avoid negative conversations and have fun trying to understand each other’s unique perspective.  


- Practice Healthy Sleep Habits

Everyone gets irritable without enough sleep and many people struggle with getting enough sleep. If you need to use an alarm clock to wake up on time, chances are you are shortchanging yourself on sleep. Use your bed only for sleep. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, allowing for enough time based on age and individual needs. Avoid caffeine for six hours and screens for two hours before bed (both interfere with sleep).


- Gratitude

Acknowledging the things we are grateful for boosts happiness. Even practicing trying to recognize those things can change our mindset to focus on the positive. Noticing and sharing the little positive moments each day can bring us together and improve our outlook.


- Practice Compassion or Be of Service

Thinking of others kindly and being helpful helps us feel better about ourselves and the world we live in. Plus, it makes the world a kinder, better place. Showing compassion and helping within and outside of the family can improve relationships, build self-esteem and foster a positive worldview.


- Limit Social Media and Smart Phones

Smart phones can lead us to miss out on those small, precious moments in life. Setting the phone down for face-to-face time is a fantastic way to make memories and improve wellbeing.


- Practice Relaxation or Mindfulness Strategies

Relaxation and mindfulness strategies reduce the physical and psychological effects of stress and improve wellbeing. This includes deep breathing, stretching, meditation and other activities that allow your mind to be present and your body to relax.


- Slow Down and Reduce Stimulation

In a fast-paced world, taking time to slow down and enjoy the peace and quiet is not just a luxury, it is a necessity. Limiting distractions and doing just one thing at a time (or even nothing!) allows us to relax. Besides, multitasking decreases productivity while taking breaks increases productivity.


- Learn Something New Together

Not only is learning great for our brains, it gives our self-esteem a boost as we master something new. Learning something together can be a fun bonding opportunity for families and who knows when those new skills or information will come in handy.


- Ask for Help

If you or one of your family members is struggling after trying these strategies, please talk to a medical or mental health provider. Early intervention is key to preventing and treating mental health concerns. 


Haylea Anderson

Wellbeing Leader