

Families of Year 3, 5, 7 & 9 students should soon receive their child’s NAPLAN results. The reports are due to families by 28 September. I trust that the report will give families a snapshot of your child’s literacy and numeracy levels of achievement.

NAPLAN results will soon be accessible to the school. Once this is available, a thorough analysis will be undertaken to ascertain the cohort’s strengths and weaknesses in literacy and numeracy skills. However, the primary focus will be on student growth. That is, has the student result increased, decreased or remained static over the years.

For Year 9, 2018 students there is still the requirement to demonstrate the National Minimum Standards in order to be awarded the HSC. Whilst the link to NAPLAN has been removed for this year, next year, all Year 10s in 2019 will need to sit online tests in Reading, Writing and Numeracy. Further information about this requirement will be given in the new year. Based on the Year 9 2018 NAPLAN results, students who do not achieve a BAND 8 or above in Reading, Writing and Numeracy will be given the opportunity to attend additional literacy and numeracy workshops to further develop these skills. This program under the title Never Stop Improving (NSI) will be conducted prior to these online tests.

For more information regarding NAPLAN and/or the National Minimum Standards, please contact me on


Yooie Choi

Coordinator of Learning Enhancement

Club 3:16: School Christian Fellowship group

Club 3:16 is the School’s Christian Fellowship group. As a way of an update for Term 3, I thought I would share what the group has been doing and to encourage the Kinross Wolaroi School community to think and pray for us as we meet. The group meets weekly on Friday lunch in the Bennett Building. The group varies in size but the core group numbers around 12 to 15 regular students.

This term, the group has looked at the book of Ephesians. The book is jam packed with a lot of gospel truths, so this term we have only focused on key words from key passages. Such key phrases have included “Spiritual blessings in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3), “Thanksgiving and Prayer” (Ephesians 1:15-17) and “Alive in Christ” (Ephesians 2:4-5). These phrases help us to see that we are part of God’s family, because of what Jesus has done for us, and in response we are thankful!

Being a teenager at school is a time of great change and identity building. Life can sometimes be difficult and peer influence increasingly more influential. When celebrity role models become more fickle and the worries of the world get heavier, there is no better time to explore ones faith and look to Jesus – our ultimate role model!

It is no easy feat for a teenager to give up a lunch time, stand out from the crowd and say I want to learn more about God. I ask that as we end this term and think about Term 4, that you keep us in your prayers. If your child is keen to explore, discuss and ask questions about faith, life and God, please encourage them to come along. They are very welcomed! It is a relaxed atmosphere, with supper on offer, and more student input and leadership are welcome!

If you have any questions, comments and/or would like to join a Club 3:16 Family Support group, please contact me on  

Yooie Choi

KWS Shop News

Summer Uniforms

Please be reminded that girls summer uniforms are to be worn in Term 4 (starting from 16 October). 

Summer uniform for girls includes Summer Blouse, Summer Tunic, White Socks, Straw Hat, Criss Cross Tie (Year 11-12 only), Summer A-Line Dress (Prep Girls only). For more information please contact Gail or Sharron in the Shop.

Clothing Pool

Any current school uniform items of no longer use, can be delivered to the KWS Shop to be sold on your behalf. Items need to be in good condition are of current designs and are washed or dry cleaned. With the up and coming School Orientation Day and seasonal uniform changes there is now the opportunity to have your items processed quickly.

Best Shot in the West – Tickets on Sale

Tickets are now on sale through Ticketek for performances of the Year 5/6 drama production of Best Shot in the West.

Tickets can be purchased for the evening Performance on Wednesday 26 September 7:30pm (always a sell out so advised to get them early).

For any attendances at the matinees please ring and book with Mrs Gail Kennewell in the Prep School office 6392 0316. Once booked the payment for these performances will be completed with Mrs Lisa Miller in the KWS Accounts Department.

  • Matinee -  Tuesday 25 September  11:30am
  • Matinee – Wednesday 26 September 10:30am

Romko Hordynsky

K-2 Show Performances

The K-2 Show will have 3 performances. Matinees on Friday 21st at 11am & Monday 24th September at 10:00am. The finale will be the performance on Monday evening at 6pm all in the Derek Pigot Auditorium. There is no need to book tickets for any of the shows as there will be plenty of seating for the whole family.

Gail Kennewell ​

Volunteers for HSC Disability Provisions

The Student Academic Services team are on a desperate search for a bank of volunteers to use for Year 12 HSC Disability Provisions in Term 4. Volunteers are required to act as readers for a number of our Year 12 students. If you are available (or know someone who might be available) to assist between 18 October and 9 November, please contact Tina Moshkanbaryans ( at your earliest convenience.

Please note: Working with Children Check required (free for voluntary work); current Year 12 parents cannot act as readers

Tina Moshkanbaryans

Canteen News

The Canteen is now offering freshly handmade sushi everyday... Yum!

The Willows Donations

The Willows Preschool is on a mission to learn about recycling.  They are collecting milk bottle tops (and orange juice, moove etc) to reuse them in a mosaic pathway in our playground, and need your help. They need around 30,000!  your donations will help us achieve our goal by December, and save a lot of plastic from landfill.

A bucket will be put outside Mrs Seedsman's classroom for collection, and will be emptied regularly.

Thank you for your help.

Anna Caskey

Overdue Library Books 

There are quite a few students that currently have overdue library books. Could I please ask that all overdue library books be returned by the end of this week? Students will not be allowed to borrow for the holidays if they have overdue items. If students are unable to locate the missing items, then please let me know (via email through the Prep Office), and these items will be charged to your account. In the event that missing items are later found, the money will be credited back to the account. Please contact me should you wish to discuss your child's current loans.

Nicole Caro

Prep Library Program

Dates for Your Diary

17 – 24 September – K-2 Show commitments

24 September – Performance of K-2 Production

17 – 26 September – 5/6 Drama commitments

25 September – Matinee 5/6 Production

26 September – Matinee and Evening Performance of 5/6 Production

27 September  - Term 3 concludes

28 September – Pupil Free Day

Gail Kennewell