Secondary News

Assistant Principal Report
As the semester draws to a rapid close I thank the students and staff for their efforts this semester and know that reports will be a time of celebration for students that have worked hard and strived to do their best in their studies. Successful students all show similar qualities of commitment, perseverance, regular revision of work, setting goals and striving to do their best. In partnership with their teachers and parents successful students make the most of the opportunities that Carwatha College has to offer.
I would like to congratulate students in Year 9, 10 and 11 for their efforts in the recent mid-year exams and how they conducted themselves. I trust that the efforts they put in will be well rewarded via good results. Teachers have been busy writing reports and documenting the efforts of our students. I encourage all students and their parent to read reports and analyse areas of improvements ready for semester 2. Reports will go live on Friday – the last day of term. These are accessed via compass and require parents and students to log in.
A reminder to parents that the college welcomes your feedback and encourages you to make contact with teachers to ensure that a strong partnership is developed. The college is asking staff to make direct contact with parents to discuss student learning and any behavioural or wellbeing issues. I am pleased to report that many staff are contacting parents directly and thus working hard to forge collaborative relationships. We encourage direct phone calls or the use of email via compass.
Parents are asked to check compass for attendance – where they can see lesson by lesson, or daily the attendance of their child. Parents are also welcome to contact Year Level Coordinators to seek support or assistance for their child.
Winter has arrived and it is great to see students wearing the new uniform with jumpers and ties and blazers and looking fabulous. The blazers are available from the front office for $120 and the rest of the uniform form the college uniform shop – open every Thursday from 8 .15am to 9 30am.
A reminder to all parents that we ask for their support with the college uniform – that at all times it must be worn and must follow the specifications as listed in the college diary and on the website. Please note that hoodies worn under jackets are not uniform and should not be worn. It is also not acceptable to have bright artificially coloured hair. Should you have any question about uniform please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the year level coordinators. We thank all the parents that support us and work hard to ensure that their child is in full school uniform and at all times is well presented.
I wish students and their families all the best for a safe and happy holiday period.
Rosanna Spina
Assistant Principal
Year 7 Report
It has been a fairly quiet few weeks at school with the year 7’s settling down nicely, they have been working hard, handing in work and ensuring they have all their work handed in for semester1 reports. These will be available to families on line soon and I encourage all Year 7 parents to look at them and discuss them with their students.
Also with winter starting, I ask the Year 7 students to ensure their uniform remains at a high standard. The year 7 students are lucky enough to have a heated indoor space for their locker bay, before school, recess and lunch. They are to wear their blazers to school and if they are still cold, they have their school jumpers to wear under their blazers. The uniform looks great and I encourage the students to continue to wear it with pride.
Last week we started the values certificate for students meeting the school values in their school work and attitude. The values certificate is named “Carwatha Champions” and its aim is to highlight our student’s success and promote positive learning environments.
So far the following students have received a certificate:
Samantha Irving x 3
Nadine Sahetapy-Beare
Nasiya Na Zia Ya
Manea Rayner
Monique Zarafapoulos
Mr Scott Antony
Year 8 Report
As we approach the end of term 2, it’s great to see all the year 8 students eagerly preparing for a variety of assessment tasks. I’m impressed by the motivation shown by students either by working hard in class or being proactive and asking for help outside of classroom. Hopefully this hard work will pay off with some good results!
It has been a term filled with many successes and achievements. There are so many Year 8 students that I would like to congratulate for their achievements and amazing contribution to our college. In this newsletter I’d like to acknowledge the following students for their participation in the Primary Gala Cross Country Event and T-ball Event. Mustaf Coskun, Joseph Tanga, Kevin Lomuro and Desmond Yap (Cross Country) Hena Kuljuh and McKenzie Ho (T-ball)
There were many comments made from staff at other schools about how hard working and supportive they were. They went above and beyond their roles for the day. Well done!
Please continue to check Compass, to ensure you are up to date and fully informed of what is happening in your child’s school life. There are many activities and excursions planned for the Year 8 students in Term 3.
I’m always pleased to hear from you so please do keep in touch.
Georgia Rentzis
Year 9 Report
Year 9 students participated in their mid-year English and mathematics exams today.
Although stress inducing, it was a wonderful opportunity to gather experience in preparation for coming years of VCE examinations.
Congratulations in completing a great semester.
Students have made noticeable improvements as the semester progressed.
I’m so proud of you all.
Mr Kwong
Year 10 Report
Year 10 students had a very busy May, which included our Mock Interview Day and work experience for some of our students.
Students had the opportunity to experience a real-life job interview with a community or business leader, after spending time in the weeks leading up to the day preparing resumes and practising interview techniques. All students participated in a 15-minute interview and were provided with written and verbal feedback on their performance.
Though there were many nerves on the morning, students performed exceptionally well, proudly representing Carwatha College and its values. Everyone looked fantastic in their professional attire and demonstrated maturity beyond their years. Our guest business and community leaders were unanimously impressed by their conduct, with a number even offering part-time jobs to our students.
On a related note, Sarah Dayaseela, Paige Hughes and Angela Fourie were selected to go into work experience for a whole week with Tata Consulting Services (TCS) in the city, with other girls in schools from around Melbourne.
Here is what the girls had to say about the experience:
While we were there we learnt about the different careers that are available in the I.T industry. During our work experience, we gained new friendships from other schools and really got to understand what it’s like to have a job in an office. For the course of the week we were empowered to join the I.T field by women in the occupation already and wanted to see a change in the numbers of females in Information Technology as it is seen as a male dominated field. Girls from different schools were encouraged to make new friends with others, which we did. The girls all encouraged each other to be brave and boost the confidence of those that were shy. By the end of the week we were sad to go and leave our new friends, but we gained new experiences and had a ball of a time. We would definitely recommend the opportunity to any girl who would like to try something out of their comfort zone.
See report further down on Secondary News page of newsletter.
In other news, students have been studying hard in preparation for Unit 1 exams, which are running from Friday 8th of June to Thursday 14th of June. Best wishes to all students during this period: after having witnessed your diligence and dedication this year, I have confidence every one of you will achieve success.
Mr Willis
Year 11 Report
The year 11 committee are currently working towards designing their year 12 jackets for 2019, with the intention to receive them at the beginning of next year. Year 12 is an important and exhilarating year, and it would be great to start it off with our iconic year 12 jackets.
On the 17th of May, the year 11 leaders and SRC team assisted the year 10s with their mock interviews. In their efforts to maintain a smooth sailing course, they created a reassuring ambience for the year 10 students who were feeling a little anxious about the interviews. We helped set up, welcomed the guests and assisted with the morning tea. It was great to see the year 10 students dressed up professionally and feel good about the interview outcomes.
On the 8th of June, Unit 1 exams commence and the year 11s are under pressure to strive to achieve the best results. It’s time for another round of unit 1 exams so some of the stress is alleviated. We believe that these exams give us a great opportunity to prepare ourselves for our Unit 3 and 4 exams. We know that we have been working hard and will do our best.
On Thursday May 10, all the year 11 and 12 boys had to part take in the “Tomorrow Man” seminar, which revolved around the improvement and wellbeing of the male community. It was a very confidential yet heartfelt experience, which the boys have taken seriously. The female community are very inquisitive on the matter; however, our persistence did not avail any results as the boys are sworn to secrecy and will not share their experience with girls.
Carwatha’s annual Variety Night took place on the 15th of May. It showcased many acts with the assistance of the year 11 leaders. Each performance was exciting and all the guests seemed happy with the performances. Again, the year 11 leaders assisted with ushering as well as running of the canteen, thus availing another leadership opportunity which boosted their confidence, interpersonal and teamwork skills.
Unit 3/4 Business management class were fortunate to attend the Chocoholics excursion in Melbourne CBD on June, 1st. It was an exciting day as students went on a chocolate tour through some busy streets and alleyways and were offered chocolate tastings throughout the tour. They visited retailers including Koko Black, Chocomamma, Lindt, Haighs and Dex2rose. The day culminated with rose water infused hot chocolate tasting at Dex2rose. Students were able to roast their own marshmallows and videoed their individual hot chocolate tasting which had been enhanced with liquid nitrogen smoke show. Overall, an excellent day that helped us learn many facets of operations management.
Krisha Soria and Dina Diamantis
Year 12 Report
Year 12 students were very excited as their graduation jackets arrived this week.
In Business Management class, the area of study focuses on the operations of a business. How inputs are processed into outputs, the use of technology, waste management and quality assurance processes.
To see operations in action, students participated in a guided tour, starting at Federation Square, visiting 5 chocolate stores, speaking to managers about specific operations.
Ms Hudson
Sports Congratulations
Good luck to Mr Antony and to the students taking part in the regional cross-country finals on 18th June Angie Baika 7A, Clare Jacobe 8B, Ro Mon Lay 8B, Kur Lueth 9B, Dylan Woods 9B, Kristen Malkocer 9C and Laura Kustura 9C.
Mr Gibney
District Cross Country
Students from 7-9 competed in the Dandenong District Cross Country carnival at Braeside Park. Congratulation to Angie Baika, Ro Mon Lay, Clare Jacobe, Laura Kustura, Non Chawee, Kristen Malkocer, Shara Aghan, Kur Lueth and Dylan Woods for making it through to the next level, the Southern Zone Championships.
Mr Murphy
Recreational Pursuits & Activities Class - Golf.
Mr Murphy
Recreational Pursuits & Activities Class - Archery
Mr Murphy
Recreational Pursuits & Activities Class - Rollerskating
Mr Murphy
SRC Report
On Tuesday May 1st, the SRC committee held its very first casual dress day of the year, but this time we decided to go with a theme that had never been done before: “Retro”. The day turned out to be very successful with most students and teachers taking the time to dress up and stick with the theme, making it truly feel like a “blast from the past”. All of the gold coin donations collected in the morning, as well as the money raised during the barbecue at lunchtime went to State Schools Relief, with a total of over $700 donated!
Over the first weekend of May, Jacky Fulcher and Benjamin Bright, both year 11 students attended MUNA, the Model United Nations Assembly which is an annual event organised by the Rotary Club. This major event was held at the Victorian Parliament House in which we were given the opportunity to represent the views and standpoints of the Spanish government on various issues around the world. This year, 38 teams participated with everyone making an effort to represent the national dress of their allocated country.
From this experience, not only did we learn more about the cultures of other countries and the difficulties that each of them currently face, but also the importance of world understanding and world peace. By the end of the weekend, we felt that we had obtained many skills in debating and that our confidence had grown since the beginning of the weekend. Overall, this was an absolutely amazing event to be a part of and we would definitely do more things like this in the future.
The following week on Tuesday the 15th of May, we had Carwatha’s Variety Night. Variety Night is an annual college event where we are able to showcase the talent of some of our students. There are also many students who assist behind the scenes to make this night a success. Both primary and secondary students were involved, and the show ran very smoothly. All students who participated were spectacular and we were very proud for the wonderful job they did by performing.
On Thursday the 17th of May, the year 11 leaders along with members of the SRC helped Pam with the year 10 mock interviews. It was a very exciting day for the year 10 students, as they were preparing themselves for future job interviews. Getting feedback from our guests, they were very pleased with Carwatha’s students and how organised we were as a school. We would like to give a big thanks to Pam for making this day such a success and creating this opportunity for students, giving them an insight of the future experiences, they may come across.
Benjamin Bright and Eftalya Coskun
College Council Representatives
Year 10 - Go4IT
Work Experience With Tata Consulting Services
Three year 10 students participated in a week's work experience with Tata Consultancy Services.
The focus of the program is Technical IT skills, Employability skills, Female role models in technology and for girls to gain some experience in the technology industry.
Sarah, Paige and Angela from year 10 were selected to go into work experience for a whole week with Tata Consulting Services (TCS) with other girls in school from around Melbourne in the city. While we were there we learnt about the different careers that are available in the I.T industry.
During our work experience, we gained new friendships from other schools and really got to understand what it’s like to have a job in an office. For the course of the week we were empowered to join the I.T field by women in the occupation already and wanted to see a change in the numbers of females in Information Technology as it is seen as a male dominated field.
Girls from different schools were encouraged to make new friends with others, which we did. The girls all encouraged each other to be brave and boost the confidence of those that were shy. By the end of the week we were sad to go and leave our new friends, but we gained new experiences and had a ball of a time. We would defiantly recommend the opportunity to any girl who would like to try something out of their comfort zone.
Angela Fourie
Rockfest 2018
On a crisp autumn morning on May the 30th nine very talented Carwatha musicians climbed on board the school bus to go and perform at the 2018 Rockfest at Cranbourne High School.
Bands came from all over the South East region to participate in this festival of Rock and Contemporary Music.
Carwatha presented two bands. The first band performing was Old Soul featuring Winona Bonne and Hayley Lucas on guitar and bass and vocals, Filimon Moutis on Lead Guitar and Nicholas D’Amico on Drums. They also had a guest appearance by Michael Alexiadis on keyboard for one song. Their playing was tight, with great guitar and drum fills and excellent harmonies.
The second Carwatha band was The Other Way featuring Grace Garcia and Asha De La Haye on drums, Michael Alexiadis on lead guitar, Gianne Montano on keyboards and vocals and lead vocals by Clare Jacobe. The Other way had a guest appearance by Hayley Lucas on bass. The band opened with “This Love” and the audience started clapping from the get go. Everybody was into it. They sounded strong, had great harmonies and did a great job.
Our Carwatha bands did us proud. Congratulations to all of the members of the band on their hard work and putting on such a fantastic and memorable performance.
Ms Novelli