FTA News

1st Football Academy Excursion
On the 17th of May all students involved in the FTA School football academy took another step in the program as they were involved in their 1st football excursion. They traveled by bus to the state of art venue Soccer 5s in Dandenong. Students took part in a fun small sided tournament and learned to play cage football. All children had an exceptional time and loved the experience. It was great way to see students engage outside of school and play football in the community.
1st School Friendly Game vs. Nazareth College
On the 14th of July our young and exciting football athletes competed in an inaugural friendly game against Nazareth College. With only half a year of learning the game, improving on their skills and understanding how to compete together as a team the students played a fantastic game against near rivals Nazareth College. Coach Carlos Alberto said "all children performed really well and he was so proud to see them progress with such little time".
Out of the 4 small sided friendly games that we competed in we had some fantastic results. We were able to win 2 games (5-2 & 5-4), draw one (3-3) and we also had one loss (3-0). It was great to see our students work together and encourage each other during the game. Also a special mention to FTA Football academy coordinator Bobbie Peters for her assistance and support in making it a successful and fun day of football. Well done to everyone!
Official Partnership 2019 - Charan Foundation
We are extremely excited to announce that the Charan Foundation will be our ongoing major partner for the 2019 FTA School Football Academy program. The Charan foundation has played a vital role in assisting our 2018 students the opportunity to take part in the football academy this year. Our relationship with the Charan foundation continues to grow and they are very happy with the way the program is progressing and look forward to being part of it in 2019 and continuing to assist our students with financial support to be part of the program.
Together with Charan Foundation, we will be able to provide more children within the school our professional football program at a lower cost. The first 33 students to register in the 2019 program will receive a 30% Scholarship into the 2019 program.
To find out more about the 2019 School Football Program
Email: Footballtechaus@gmail.com
Call: 0413 937 310
Visit: www.footballtechniqueaustralia.com.au
Together with Carwatha College P-12 and the Charan Foundation we are glad to also announce that 2019 we will introduce our first ever FULL SCHOLARSHIPS for the football program! If you know of any friends or family going to another school and interested in joining Carwatha College P-12, are in Year levels 4-9 and love football this is the perfect opportunity for them to get involved in our school. A limited number of full scholarships are available as we look to increase and introduce new students to our school are program.
*This Scholarship offer is only applicable to NEW enrollments into Carwatha College P-12*
To find out more please get in touch with Carwatha College P-12 or email Footballteachaus@gmail.com.
FTA School Academy Excursion -July 26th - Real Madrid World of football experience
FTA Team