Junior School News

Melbourne Museum Excursion

What a busy day we had and WOW all the things we saw! 

We started off learning about what is in Grandma's Toybox. We learned all about old toys and what was used to make them. A handmade doll, a skipping rope, lead soldiers and even a ball made from possum skin! We learned how long ago all the toys were made. It was great fun and we even got to touch the toys! 

After learning all about old toys we got to wander the museum and that means we got to look at DINOSAUR bones!! Oh how the children loved looking at the old bones. Other things we had a chance to see included bugs, butterflies, many stuffed animals (even some extinct ones), a history of Melbourne and so much more! A favourite was the 3D room. We had to wear 3D glasses and learned all about volcanos - all in 3D. Here is just a few photos of the awesome things we saw.

Athletics Day

So much fun had by all!! Plenty of smiles and laughs. We did relay, running races, egg and spoon races, shot put and so much more. Check out the photos of the awesome fun we had! The grade 2 boys leaped long distances in the long jump - just check out some of the action shots! 


What's Up Next?

Friday 24th May - PBS Celebration Day - come dressed up as what you want to be when you're older.

Wednesday 19th June - Reports go out on Sentral

Tuesday 25th June - Parent Teacher Meetings