Careers News

Careers News
Coming into Course advising interviews next week – some useful websites that students have been using are listed below. Parents are encouraged to look at these websites as well – lots of great information that can help with the decision making process! - You can download the app (free) or use the website. Students are encouraged to use the prerequisite course explorer and nominate the year they will be entering tertiary study ie (2020 for this year’s Year 10 students). Important to look at prerequisite subjects and under additional selection requirements to see what Bonus subjects they look at. -Most students should have created a log in this year or last. Parents can create an account if you would like to access the resource. – Great website where you can SEE and HEAR what a particular job is really about. There is also a great quiz to use as a starting point for future career ideas. You will need to use the following log in details to access as the school has a membership.
Log in: Carwatha
Password: carwatha15
- Year 12 VCE VTAC Day – Thursday 10th August – all day. Guest Speakers will cover Centrelink payments for school leavers, Scholarships, Special Entry Access Schemes, VTAC applications, Monash Guarantee. Students wanting to apply for courses next year will set up a VTAC account and start to add courses they are considering. It would be great if all students can come prepared to make an online payment for their VTAC application – 2017 registration fee is $32.
- TERTIARY OPEN DAYS START THIS WEEKEND - Swinburne Uni this Sunday 30th July – check their website!
- Prerequisite conversations – Year 10 students have been having their Managed Individual Pathways conversations over the last 2 weeks. Students have been checking out what careers interest them and what courses they might like to study to reach that career goal. Students also explore what subjects are “prerequisite subjects” that they need to study in order to be considered for entry into the courses they are looking at. It is very normal for students to change their ideas and as such are encouraged to keep their subject options open.
- VCAL –Guest speakers from Skillinvest came out Thursday to meet with the VCAL students to explain what group employers do and how they assist students to gain an apprenticeship/traineeship. Group trainers like Skillinvest (there are many others example MEGT, AGA, VACC, AIG) actually employ the student and then place them with a business to carry out their apprenticeship/traineeship. They pay the wages, handle work cover claims, monitor progress of apprentice, have routine visits and provide ongoing care of apprentice/trainee etc. The presentation was times perfectly for our students that are considering the next step in gaining apprenticeships at the end of Year 12.
- Congratulations to Kian Harrison of Year 10 whose entry was selected in the competition to take part in the Australian Business Community Network upcoming Entrepreneur Unleashed Program. Kian is only 1 of 20 students in Victoria selected to participate in the 2 day boot camp being held in the city during August and will have the unique opportunity to gain hands on experience in entrepreneurship and be mentored by professional entrepreneurs from Commonwealth Bank and Ernest Young. Good luck with the next stage of the competition Kian we look forward to hearing about your amazing experience Kian!
Jodie McCarthy
Careers & VET Manager