Primary News

Prep – 2/3A
Students in P/1M, 1/2Z and 2/3A have been focusing on designing a strong house to protect our Little Pig from the Big Bad Wolf. This fortnight students have been making their houses. Students have been thinking about how to join materials together and make the house the right size for the pig. It has been a big challenge to assemble their houses.
Next week the Big Bad Wolf is expected and students will get the opportunity to see how successful their design has been at protecting our Little Pig.
Grades 3L-6E
Students have been challenged to think about, redesign and improve some areas of our outdoor environment. Students will be guided through the Design Process to come up with a plan to improve their allocated space. Students will then have the opportunity to make a model, use computer images or other methods to demonstrate their design.
The focus areas for each grade are:
- Synthetic grass area
- Wall of P13
- Concrete beside P13
- Chess storage
- Music Room wall
Garden bed alongside Mrs BW’s office
- Four Square
- Pavement near P-2 line up
- Outside S block Undercover area beside S block
- Triangular garden bed
- Pavement beside brick wall
- Brick wall
- Path between the water tank to the canteen
- Under window sills along the back of S block
- Grass area between P12 & Children’s Garden
- Grass beside Children’s Garden
- Behind the water tank
- Garden bed
This fortnight students have brainstormed ideas for their space, thinking about how the space could be utilised and either made more functional or more FUN!
Stay tuned for the upcoming weeks as students start measuring and gathering data about their spaces to create their Design Plans.
Remember Remember
Please collect cereal boxes, muesli bar boxes, cardboard rolls, clean milk or soft drink bottles, bottle lids, egg cartons, plastic containers…. These materials are used for students to make their designs during STEM, as demonstrated by the Little Pig houses the Prep to Grade 2s are making.
Your assistance is required to keep a steady flow of these materials so students have a wide selection when making choices about their designs.
Art - Grades Prep/1M and 1/2Z
Heavy Machinery Drawing and Printing
Students learnt how to draw heavy machinery by looking carefully at the shapes and lines in pictures of trucks, earth moving equipment, cranes and other heavy machinery. They selected an image to recreate using a lead pencil. Afterwards, we used a variety of different tyres to print mud (brown paint) around the border of our drawing.
Primary Pe
PREP-Grade 2 PE
The new favourite fitness game of students in Prep – Grade 3 Physical Education is Harry Potter Tag. The Slytherins (taggers in green colourbands) cast a “Glacious “(GLAY~CEE~US) or freezing spell on the Hogwart’s students. Harry or Hermoine in the Griffindor scarf must cast a “Finite”(fi-NEE-tay) spell on those petrified to release them back into the game. Everyone loves to be a student at Hogwarts P-12.
Bobbie Peters
Prep/1M Gymnastics
Students are working on fundimental skills such as balancing, locomotion, jumps and safe landings. They are improving their skills on floor, beam, vault and rings.
Students were showing great improvement and are very keen to try new moves and routines.
Bobbie Peters
Primary Swimming Payments
- Payments and Forms are due back on 3rd August 2017
- Payments can be made through QKR.
- On QKR, you have the option to select CSEF (if eligible) thereby giving an online consent for the event.
School Banking
We had a special visit from PAT the dollarmite dog in assembly today.
Pat was here showing students the wonderful prizes they can win with school banking.
School banking is a fantastic way to teach your child about earning and saviong money.
For more information on school banking please contact the office or pop in to the Commonwealth bank Waverley Gardens.