Principal's Report

From The Principal
Welcome back to Term 3. The end of semester one reports for all students were available via the parent and student portals on Compass on the last day of term 2 for parents and students to access. Please contact the College if you have not been able to access your child’s report. I hope parents had the opportunity to discuss the report with their student/s over the holiday break and have discussed appropriate actions to put in place to address any areas for improvement highlighted.
The College was extremely fortunate to have the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews visit the college on Wednesday the 26th of July. Mr. Andrews took a tour of our school while I explained to him my vision for the College moving forward.
Mr. Andrews took time out to meet our Year 11 Food technology class and to meet with a number of our school leaders from both the Primary and Secondary sections of the college. It was a great opportunity to meet with our local member of Parliament and I thank him for the ongoing support he has always provided our College.
Whether students are in Grade Prep, who started their school years with such enthusiasm, or Year 10 who have chosen to embark on the challenges of senior schooling – we encourage our students to grasp every educational opportunity made available to them and to do their best at whatever they undertake. As a college we are extremely proud of our students and the enthusiastic way they approach their education and embrace the learning opportunities they are provided with.
For Year 12 students in particular, who are in the final 14 weeks of their school life, there is not only the very immediate challenge of investigating future career prospects, but also the need to ensure that they satisfy educational standards that qualify them for entry into their career choice. It is important that students use their time appropriately and productively in order to achieve to a level which reflects their abilities and talents. I encourage all of our year 12 students to continue to strive to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Following the Senior School Information Night and Careers Expo which was held on Wednesday the 26th of August, individual interviews for students entering Years 10, 11 and 12 in 2018 are being held next week with members of the College leadership team. Year 11 into 12 nterviews will be on Wednesday 2nd of August, Year 10 into 11 will be on Thursday 3rd of August and Year 9 into 10 will be on Friday 4th of August. It is very important that parents and students attend the interviews planned during this time, to discuss potential pathways and to submit their intended courses for 2018. Each student and their parents have been allocated an appointment, during which time course selections will be made and strategies put in place to ensure achievement and effort over the remainder of the year are sufficient to guarantee places in chosen subjects. Please note the vast array of VCE and VETiS subjects on offer and note too the VCAL program which is another possible pathway. We look forward to students continuing their education with us next year but need everyone to meet appropriate deadlines in order for our planning to be completed accurately.
A reminder to parents that Monday the 31st of July will be a student free day. Staff will be receiving Professional Development on Growth Mindset, terms fixed mindset and growth mindset are used to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement. Staff will then will be working in their domains on High Impact Teaching Strategies that the government has identified to improve student outcomes.
Carwatha College P 12 and Football Technique Australia are extremely excited by the level of interest in our Football Academy for 2018. The Academy is aimed at providing an integrated academic pathway driven by young students' sporting aspirations. The elite program will allow young students to enhance and develop their talent while receiving their education. It is crucial to our College that the student’s academic pursuits are of the highest priority and that each student’s interest and aspiration in sport assists them in achieving high results both academically and athletically.
To find out more about our exciting new program come to our information night on Tuesday August the 1st at 7.15 pm. The information evening will be held in the College Theatre. Further details can also be found on the Colleges website
Pat Mulcahy
College Principal