College Production


This Year St Bede’s College is proud to present Michael Gow’s Away, in conjunction with students from Kilbreda College, over four shows commencing on Thursday 3rd and ending on Saturday September 5. Students from Years 7 – 12 are participating in the production as actors, designers and stage technicians, working tirelessly with a small team of dedicated college staff.


A few words from our Director: Mr Jamie Parton


I chose Away not only to support Australian playwrights but to challenge our students with a piece less reliant on visual effects and more reliant on their own performance. It will be a play that rejects the typical linear narrative, instead focusing on moments in time and shifts in human relationships.


The play follows three main families as they attempt to address and resolve conflicts between one another that are still very relevant to the structure of family today. By the end of the play most characters are able to find resolution in some way, either it be through acceptance or forgiveness. 



Our four shows will be presented in the Performing Arts Auditorium and tickets are available from TryBooking by going to the College website and following the designated links.


For any further enquiries regarding the show please contact Mr Stephen Irving - (Producer) on




Stephen Irving

LAL - Drama / Media / College Production

AWAY - Producer