School Information

Child Safety

  • Plenty Parklands is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. 
  • PPPS has zero tolerance for child abuse. 
  • PPPS is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. 

General Office

Office Hours: 8.30am to 4.30pm

Telephone: (03) 9404 4311


School Website:

Lesson Times

Session 1: 9.00am to 9.50am

Session 2: 9.50am to 10.40am

Recess: 10.40am to 11.10am

Session 3: 11.10am to 12.00pm

Session 4: 12.00pm to 12.50pm

Lunch Eating Time: 12.50pm to 1.00pm

Lunch: 1.00pm to 1.50pm

Session 5: 1.50pm to 2.40pm

Session 6: 2.40pm to 3.30pm

Assembly Performance - Term 4

18th November    P-13

25th November    3-19

2nd December      P-9

9th December       2-26

16th December    No assembly (whole school Fun Day)

20th December    Whole school assembly at 1pm

Sustainability Tips - Reduce Waste

Compost to reduce the amount of food waste going into landfill. It is easy and inexpensive. Add both food scraps and garden waste (such as leaves and grass clippings) to the compost bin. Stir it, be patient, and you will end up with nutrient-rich compost for the garden.

Nude Food - Wipe out Waste Wednesday compaign

The sustainability team, along with the Green Cadets made up of dedicated Year 4-6 student leaders, are relaunching our Nude Food Days with our Wipe out Waste Wednesday campaign!

Nude food, is by definition, food without packaging. You might be wondering, why nude food? Well, we have nude food because we are caring for the environment and the animals and creating a greener future for ourselves by reducing our waste.

Did you know that every minute one garbage truck worth of litter ends up in our oceans where it is choking our marine life, polluting our waterways and endangering our futures? Think about how much litter that equals in just one day! How can we help? We can help by reducing the amount of single use packaging we use.

So remember Wipe out Waste Wednesdays and provide your child with a nude food snack and lunch to help us reduce our waste.


Thank you from the Sustainability Team

Volunteer helpers' Afternoon Tea

Just a reminder that replies for the Volunteer Helpers’ Afternoon Tea, need to be returned by Friday 22nd November. If you did not receive an invitation and you have helped at the school, please collect an invitation from office and return by the above date. 

Language support program

The Language Support Program comes under the umbrella of student well being at Plenty Parklands Primary School. It is accessed by students from prep to year 6 whose learning will benefit from specific instruction in areas such as vocabulary development, comprehension, sentence formulation and auditory memory strategies.

Grouping of students is done according to need and attendance time varies.

The program is also accessed by teachers and is incorporated into classroom teaching and learning.         Kerry Gibbs

Year 6 Dance with Footsteps

In Year 6, we have been preparing for our Year 6 Presentation by participating in lessons, provided by the Footsteps dance instructors. It may be challenging to learn two new dances but it has also been thoroughly enjoyable and a great way to learn new skills. Presentation is going to be exceptional!

Tiana – “The dances are really creative and different from one another.”

Chelsea – “It is both really challenging and fun.”

Isi – “Keep calm and keep dancing forever!”

Premiers Reading Challenge

The Premiers’ Reading Challenge has come to a close for 2019 – congratulations to all who participated!

We will be having a special presentation at the upcoming assemblies to award certificates to the students who read the most books in their year level. All other students will be acknowledged at assembly, however will receive their certificate from their classroom teacher afterwards. Please see below for the assembly dates for your child’s year level:

P-1 assembly: Monday 18th of November

Feel free to come along and celebrate the outstanding reading achievements of our students!

Jessica Marcy – Premiers’ Reading Challenge Coordinator