Junior School news

Wow, hasn’t the year just flown by!
Thank you Junior School families for supporting your daughter this year. The Year 7 Students Managers, Philip Hull and Petra Witt and the Year 8 Student Managers, Steve Williams and Melanie Erwin, have done a wonderful job nurturing and managing the students they have been responsible for. The teachers have enjoyed getting to know them at camp, sporting events and in the classroom.
To farewell the Year 7 students into Year 8 the student managers ran a fun level assembly which consisted of music, thank you cards and speeches to the Year 7 ALL teacher, tips for Year 8, a group kahoot, Mr Hull’s special song and some meditation! What a way to finish their first year with us.
We farewelled the Year 8s with a BBQ cooked by the Year 8 Class Captains. With the support of Ms Erwin and Mr Williams the students were extremely efficient in running this. We wish the students success in Middle School.
Headstart commences on Monday 25 November with the following events occurring:
- Students will be working in their new classes and timetable for 2020.
- Students will receive a new 2020 diary.
New lockerswill be allocated during Orientation and Headstart:
- Year 8 into 9 on Friday 15 November, period 4
- Year 7 into 8 during Headstart
We have asked students to start clearing out their lockers and keep only their essential books at school.
The Students Managers for 2020 are:
- Year 8 - Melanie Erwin and Steve Williams
- Year 9 - Philip Hull and Amanda O’Hara.
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School