From the Primary School

From the Primary School

to the 2019 year. I hope you all had a refreshing and restful break and are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.


We started with 46 new children in the Primary School this year and four new staff. There were also a large number of boys and girls commencing in the ELC as well as a new staff member, Ms Chelsea Wymond, who comes to us from Thorndon Park Preschool and has worked in several centres including St Joseph’s Payneham Pre-School. Her easy-going nature and professional approach will endear her to our community. The new boys (and girls) have settled well and are getting to understand the routines and procedures (as are our continuing children) during these early weeks.


Our new staff, Ms Loretta Robertson (Year 1) who comes to us most recently from Darwin is a young yet experienced teacher with a specialty in Literacy, a love of Mathematics and a passion for coding and robotics and getting children to have a love for learning, in particular reading. Mr Trent Allwood, Old Scholar (2012) is in Year 2 and most recently worked at St Margaret Mary’s. He has been involved in professional development committees and has a keen interest in engaging children through authentic learning. A keen sportsman he will involve himself in all aspects of school life.

Mr Oliver Carroll, also an Old Scholar (2010) may be known to some of you as he was often our first-call relief teacher. He will be working in Year 3 Wednesday through to Friday. He has worked at Rosary School and comes to us with good experiences and great enthusiasm. Also a keen sportsman and excellent tennis player, he too will be a full member of our community. Ms Emma Askem joins our ESO team and she is a qualified teacher from the UK who will add great value to our staff. We wish all our new and continuing staff a wonderful 2019.

Emma Askem & Trent Allwood
Oliver Carroll
Loretta Robertson
Emma Askem & Trent Allwood
Oliver Carroll
Loretta Robertson


As we begin the year confident of a productive and enjoyable one I invite parents to take a keen interest in their children’s work and play. We always encourage parents to volunteer to help out in the school in any way they can, accepting that we all live very busy lives. Even attending excursions or helping out with sports days and so on, on a one off basis, will not only benefit us but your child’s self esteem too. The Parent Community Committee is a great way to support the school too or just as a class rep for your boy’s year level – not onerous but community building and most valuable.


In today’s society where depression and stress is evident in young men (and women) it is important to support your children but also to work in harmony with the school to develop all their skills. I heard a great little saying that resonates with me, “…don’t prepare the road for the child; prepare the child for the road.


Please drop in to say hello at any time and I look forward to a great year.


Mr Frank Ali

Head of Primary


Dates to Remember

February 15 – Primary Assembly (Yr 4H) 2:20pm

February 22 – Primary Mass 2:15pm (Yr 6N preparing) all welcome

February 27 – Primary Years Showcase 6:00pm – 8:00pm

March 1 – Primary Mass 2:15pm (Yr 5/6V preparing) all welcome

March 6 – Ash Wednesday Whole School Mass (10:00am)

March 8 – Primary Swimming Carnival

March 11 – Adelaide Cup Public Holiday

March 14 – Principals Tour 9:00am and 6:00pm

March 15 – Primary Mass 2:15 pm (Yr 5LW preparing) all welcome

March 22 – Primary Assembly (3CH) 2:20pm

March 29 – Primary Assembly (3CH) 2:20pm

April 5 – Primary Sports Day

April 10 – Student/Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations (PT Interviews) 2pm – 8 pm

             Please Note:  Boys dismissed at 1pm

April 12 – End of Term One Boys dismissed at 3:05pm