2018 Whole School Photograph
2018 Whole School Photograph
This is your final chance to order your copy of the 2018 Blackfriars 65 Year Commemorative Whole School Photo.
There are two sizes available – MEDIUM (595mm x 367mm) / SMALL (485mm x 320mm). Both come on high quality paper stock and include the names of all students / staff on the reverse side. Samples of all sizes are available to be viewed in the school administration office along with extra order forms.
To secure your Blackfriars 65 Year Commemorative Photograph, please contact Focus School Portraits direct at orders@focussp.com.au or on 8389 9002 to order direct. You can use the order form provided below, however, this must be returned to school with payment or credit card details provided, by no later than the end of the day on Monday 11 February.
Mr Patrick Kelly
Director of Development & Community Relations