School Information

Where to find information

  1. SEQTA Engage - timetables, reports, homework, college policies and other documents. 
  2. College App - notices, events calendar, college newsletter, absentee notification. 
  3. College Website - click on Parent’s area to access various information. 

College Apps

The College App 

The college has its own iPhone/iPad and Android App to help us communicate more effectively with our parent community. This form of communication will allow us to send alerts to you quickly and efficiently, for example, notifications of events, college newsletters (which can be read within the app), and a full calendar of upcoming events (with relevant links and associated information). The App also has a direct link to our absentee line which you can quickly use to notify the college of your child’s absence along with the college contact details.


The Flexischools App (Canteen) 

Place your lunch order online through Flexischools. Flexischools has released an app on both Android and iOS which makes the process easier than before.

College Parent Portal - SEQTA Engage 

The college currently operates SEQTA – an all in one web application to manage all aspects of teaching and learning – within the college curriculum. As part of this initiative, the college utilises the SEQTA Parent Portal ‘SEQTA engage’. The Parent Portal complements our Student Portal (SEQTA learn) and will provide you with personalised discrete information about your child/ren.


BusMinder App

 You will be able to view where your child’s bus is at any point in time, through the App. In addition, you will know when your child taps onto their bus and when they arrive at school in the mornings, as well as when waiting to pick them up at their bus stop after school, and can view how far away the bus is. To install the App, please follow the instructions emailed to you previously.

General Office

Office hours are:  8:00am - 4:00pm

Telephone:            9717 7400


Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children.


Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email them directly.



Student absences should be reported to the school before 9:00am. Please call the absence line on 9717 7499 or use the college app.


Late arrival / early departure to school

Students are always required to sign in/out at the General Office or Reception upon late arrival or early departure.


In order to minimise disruption to the class and maximise learning opportunities for our students, we would like to remind you to write a note in your child's diary if they need to leave school early for any reason.

Uniform Shop

Our uniform supplier is Bob Stewart. The shop is located at Uni Hill Town Centre, Janefield Drive, Bundoora.

Contact number: 9036 7385

Opening hours: please refer to the college website for information

Camp Australia

The before and after school care is managed by Camp Australia. Visit the college website for more information:
