Principal Post

Dear Families,


Welcome to 2023

Dear Parents/ Carers, 


Happy New Year and welcome to St John Vianney's for 2023! I trust that you all enjoyed Christmas and the summer break with family and friends and that you are feeling refreshed and renewed for the beginning of our school year! 

To all our new families, we extend a very warm welcome as you begin your association with our school. We hope that the years ahead are full of learning and support for your children and for yourselves! 


A special welcome also to our new staff; Jenny Willmott (Deputy Principal/ Student Wellbeing) Andy Kinsella (Foundation KC), Sarah Blakemore(1/2B), Jessyln Lan(1/2L), Leah Whiting(3/4WH), Andrea Harvey(5/6 H) and Learning Support Officers - Michael Fantonial,  Liz Green and Jeynelle Molinaro. Jeynelle will begin later in February.  In next week's Newsletter our new staff will introduce themselves!



Our Foundation students began on Monday and have made a brilliant start, settling in very well.   I thank you for the support you have given to your child and the school.  Wednesdays are rest days up until and including 22nd February.

Student Testing - thank you! 

The student testing conducted across the past few days went extremely well. I thank  you the teachers and staff for their preparation. This testing allows each teacher to begin the process of grouping students and planning activities to support student learning. Thank you to our students for their participation and  to our parents/ carers for their support. If your child was away for this testing they will catch it up across the coming days.   


And so we begin....

For many students, parents and teachers, the beginning of the school year is often an exciting time and for some it can be mixed with degrees of anxiety. These feelings are very normal as we begin a new year in a new environment and for some students it can take  some time to settle. 

At St John Vianney's we view the new school year as an opportunity for renewed enthusiasm and new hope!  For current students, the new year is an opportunity to see their friends and there is a sense of anticipation as they meet their new teacher and write in their new books! 

As parents and extended members of family, we want our children to be happy, to learn, and to continue to grow academically and socially. As staff, we want the very best for all students within our care!! 

As Principal and on behalf of the staff our  wish is that together we work in partnership to provide an environment both at home and at school which nurtures, affirms, challenges and engages our children to do their best and reach their potential. 

As a Catholic school we focus on building life giving relationships. May our community be full of welcome, acceptance, care, faith, support and celebration !


A prayer.....

Compassionate and Loving God....

May we face the future with serenity, confidence and courage 

and may we live the year to the full.

May we come safely through to the year's end 

and be able to look back with grateful appreciation.

May we be able to say with a sense of justifiable satisfaction

Yes 2023 was a very good year! 


Please read our Student Wellbeing Page  - which provides more insights and tips around student wellbeing in week 1, written by our new Deputy Student Wellbeing Leader Jenny Willmott 


Staff News 

  • Our congratulations to Violetta and Michael Poulter  who welcomed baby James into the world in early January. Such exciting news!  
  • We have employed a Speech Pathologist Rebecca Taylor who replaces Violetta for the 2023 year. Bec is contracted from Speech Pathology For Schools and will work at SJV each Monday and Tuesday.  Bec's office in near the main door of the Scanlon building. 
  • Beth Lacey our Performing Arts teacher had a fall on the last day of school last year and unfortunately had a bad break to her arm. As a result Beth will be out of action for several weeks. Paula Warden who is well known to our students will teach performing Arts.   Choir will be put on hold for the moment.  

School Newsletter

The school newsletter goes out each Wednesday.  It is sent electronically.   Please read each week. It can be translated into other languages. Go to the cover page and to the Languages Tab at the bottom of the page. The newsletter is also available on the School Website each Thursday morning and will also be sent out via text message. 


Dates to Remember

As part of the newsletter it is vitally important that parents and carers check the 'Dates to Remember' page. Some dates are also placed in the Community Calendar. Please note that dates are subject to change.





A reminder that as we have students who have anaphylaxis, please do not send any nut products with your child. 

Birthday treats - Sometimes parents/ carers like to share a special treat for their child's birthday with the class. Students can only be given  non food related items - eg pencil, eraser.

Please remind your child that they can not share food and drink with others.

Medical Plans/ Medication

All Medical Plans (Anaphylaxis, Allergy & Asthma) and Medication must be given into the office as soon as possible.

School Photos

Our 2023 School Photos will take place on Monday 13th February.  The students will wear their Summer Uniform and black shoes for the photos. 

Further information about photo packs orders will be emailed to you . Photo orders will be online. 


Opening School Mass & Captains Badge Presentation

Our Opening School Mass is an important occasion as we gather to celebrate and ask blessings on our school year and upon our community. This will take place on Friday 10th February at 9am in our Church.  At this Mass we will

Welcome our Foundation Students, Commission our Staff in our role as educators and present the  Year 6 Captains with their badges. At the conclusion of Mass there will be a Morning Tea  for our Year  6 parents and students.


Important Information about  2023 Swimming Program 

Please note that in 2023 there has been a change to the Swimming Program. 

This year our students will be participating in the Swim Program through AquaStar at Haileybury College, Springvale Road, Keysborough.

The Year 1-6 students will participate in a 8 day  program (45 minute lessons) from AUGUST 7th - 15th  and Foundation students from November 13th - 24th. Students will participate 4 days each week. There is no swimming on a Tuesday. Our school will be the only school at the venue during the swimming program.  This intensive 8 day program  will support our students in their swimming and minimise disruptions to learning back at school.  The students will travel to and from the venue on buses. The cost remains the same and is part of the school fees and charges. Further information  will be forwarded to you later in the year.  

Gates & Parking


  • The Gates at the back and front of the school will be opened just before 8:30am and locked at 8:50am. The gates are reopened at 3pm and locked at 3:30pm
  • Students are able to come into the classrooms from 8:30am with classes beginning at 8:45am. Please be puntual.
  • Students will be marked late on the attendance roll if that are not in the classroom at 8:45am. Students who are late must come to the reception office for a late pass. 


  • Please be patient and mindful of students and community members when dropping off and picking up. If parking in the Parish Carpark please bring your child into the school grounds and pick up from the school gates. Students are not allowed to walk to their parents cars. 
  • The parking in St Johns Way is 'Kiss &Drop' - do not get out of your car.
  • Obey or signs and speed restrictions
  • Do not park in or over neighbours driveways.
  • Council inspectors do patrol  the surrounding streets and issue fines.

Foundation Parent Information Evening

On Tuesday the 14th of February at 6pm, we will be hosting a Foundation Parent information night in the Performing Arts area.  This meeting will go for about 1 hr. We will discuss important information regarding school routines, curriculum and general information. This will be led by the SJV leadership team, along with the Foundation teachers. We encourage all parents to attend this session in order to gain information and a greater insight into our daily routines and learning at school. We will have some question time at the end of the session for any queries that might arise. 


We please ask that you send your child's classroom teacher a seesaw message to indicate who will be attending if not both parents. 

Meet & Greet Interviews 

The Meet & Greet Conversations are an opportunity for you to assist teachers with getting to know your child. These important conversations will occur on Tuesday 21st February (3:30pm - 6pm) and Wednesday 22nd February (1:45pm - 8pm). 

All familes are expected to book an appointment time (10 minutes). The online booking process will be sent out to you next week


PLEASE NOTE THAT ON WEDNESDAY 22nd FEBRUARY  SCHOOL FINISHES AT 1:10pm. All students need to be picked up at that time, unless booked into Camp Australia.


The Canteen will reopen next Week 08/02/2022 for lunches  Wednesday to Friday.