Last term our Year 9 I&E class had been allocated a whole day to compete against each other in groups to design a business idea that could solve a certain problem. At the end of the day, we presented our ideas to the judges in the program, Generation Entrepreneur, and our group ended up proceeding to the next round. 


In the second round we needed to further develop our idea as well as create a prototype and include things such as revenue and traction in our pitch. Our group: Phoebe, Poppy, Emanuel Sabian and I, designed an app called WorkConnect that could improve communication between employers and employees. 

The app can help organise shifts and calendars as well as enable the employer to pay through the app. 


We presented our idea at the end of this day and luckily got through to the third and final round. 


Our third round was on a weekend and we competed against schools in all of Australia. We had to update and improve our pitch and create another prototype. 


By the end of Sunday, we got to know the results and our team came third! We will be getting merch and a bit of money as our prize. 


Overall, the experience has been a very informative and positive one and we all got to see how much work goes into designing a business.