Miss Mel's Message

Principal - St Brigid's Primary School

We have had a wonderful start to 2023. The school has been a hub of excitement as students, friends, families, and teachers all reconnected. Our preps, both siblings and new families, joined us for their new beginnings. 


We have had a few new additions and changes to the internal areas of the school and more exciting things to come. Rodine, our new construction company, has been on-site measuring up the safety fencing and making early preparations for the building, which is set to start towards the end of February. 


The preps have settled in well, and are getting used to their school life. Buddies have been excited to show them around and have had some time getting to know them as well. 


We will be beginning our whole school meditation next week, and as such, if students are not in the learning areas by 8.50am, they will be required to sit in the office area for the duration of meditation time. We are aiming to set the students up for success by providing a quiet space between 8.50-9am with no movement in or out of the rooms. All students, teachers and parents are encouraged to meditate or sit quietly and reflect at this time. 

You will notice the morning routines displayed in the learning areas to begin the day. PBL routines provide a safe, predictable and calm environment for the students to begin their day. Students can draw or read quietly or they are able to go outside and run around and catch up with friends if that is their preferred option. 


We have been updating our Facebook page regularly to provide current news as it occurs in our community. SeeSaw is also another up-to-date source of information and communication. We would like feedback as to whether the use of a newsletter for communication and updates is as effective in today’s current climate given that it is fortnightly, and often events, celebrations, achievements and news have passed and already been reported on via other avenues. We understand school dates and the business directory and community events are in the newsletter, and are open to others ways of sharing these, or we may have a condensed newsletter with key information only. 

Please complete this short survey with your thoughts here or https://forms.gle/AisWvqe6wsRnANX77  

It has been great to see you all over the past week, we are all looking forward to a great year ahead.