From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

St Paul Lutheran School Board

I would like to thank the entire 2022 St Paul Lutheran School Board for their excellent governance of the school in purely voluntary capacities: Merryn Ruwoldt (Chair), Carolyn Nuske (Vice Chair), Dennis Clark, Kylie Karvelis, Tamra Fedojuk, Joel Phillips, CJ Monger, Anne Dohnt and Pastor Matt Bishop.

Chapel birthdays

Each Wednesday, we celebrate birthdays for the week after Chapel. This week, we have not celebrated birthdays on Wednesday because of the Reception Christmas presentation. Please note that all birthdays for the remainder of the year, including the school holidays, will be celebrated at the end of our Presentation Assembly this Friday, which will be held on outdoors on the courts on Friday, 9th December. Please use our closed Facebook group to view online or use the Trybooking link from General News to book your seat to attend.

End of Year Learning Artefacts

As we near the end of the year, we begin to prepare for 2023. The final week will be a busy one, with final touches on children’s work, as well as packing up classrooms ready for the Christmas break. As with most years at St Paul, there will be classroom and teacher changes, and many items to be moved and stored. You may notice that your children are bringing home some completed books and other items so that they don’t have incredibly heavy bags in the final days of school. When your child brings home their work, I encourage you to spend some time with them exploring these precious learning artefacts with them and asking questions about how the process to create them. If the items are too large to keep forever, a photograph can be a great way to create a memory of it. Your acknowledgement and discussion of your child’s artefacts is an invaluable part of their journey as a learner.


Leila Mattner | Principal