Student Achievements

Australian Gymnastics Championships
Congratulations to Addison Hammond, Year 10, and her team who represented Victoria in the recent Australian Gymnastics Championships. The trio were awarded the Gold medal to become the Level 8 Women’s Trio Australian Champions. What an amazing result!
Here's a reflection from Addison on her competition experience:
Addison Hammond, Year 10
This competition season, my trio and I got the chance to participate in some amazing acrobatic gymnastics competitions.
We started off with the state team trials where we were excited to make the Victorian state team. At the end of March, I got to represent my club at the Victorian Championships.
A few days later, I flew out to Belgium to compete at the Flanders International Acro Cup (FIAC). It was incredible to see so many athletes from 20 different countries! At this competition, my trio and I were very proud to finish mid-field, as this was our first-ever international competition.
Finally, in May I represented Victoria in the Australian Gymnastics Championships against about ten other groups. This was my third year representing Victoria. My trio and I got 4th place for our combined routine, 1st for our balance and 1st for our dynamic routine.
We were so proud and honoured to receive gold for the overall score, and become the Level 8 Women’s Trio Australian Champions, taking home three gold medals.
Whether I'm representing my club, state or country, competing is always such an enjoyable experience and I hope to do much more of it in the future!
International and national motor racing
Siblings Aiva Anagnostiadis (Year 10) and James Anagnostiadis (Year 7) have had a fabulous season in motor racing.
Aiva recently had a successful trip to Belgium, where she learnt a new track and got settled with a new Karting team from England. She also had her first two races in a race car, running the Formula Ford Championship in Western Australia.
Later in June, Aiva will head back over to Europe to compete in the second round of the BNL Championship in Belgium, and will then head over to Great Britain where, as part of the Alpine RacHer program, she will attend the F1 Factory in Enstone. As part of the program, she will also attend the F1 Grand Prix and will experience the inner workings of the Alpine F1 team.
James had a tough start to his campaign this year. Nevertheless, he still managed a 2nd place finish at Round 1 and a 4th place finish at Round 2 of the Australian Kart Championships. At a recent shake-down meeting for Round 3 of the Australian Championship, James finished in 1st place. He also won the NSW State Cup race.
James also attended the BNL Championship in Belgium, where he managed to finish the A Final, coming in at 19th place with over 70 entered drivers!
Congratulations to both Aiva and James on their exciting achievements. We wish them the very best in their upcoming competitions!