Music Notes

Nicole Bull, Academic Dean of Performing Arts
Jack Campbell-Manley, Production Captain
The Senior School production of Oliver was such a great experience. There was incredible energy on stage and behind the scenes every night! The entire cast was in great spirits on Opening Night, with the makeup room buzzing with excitement and brimming with anticipation as we prepared for the curtains to rise.
We all worked hard from the very beginning, with everyone putting 100% of their effort into rehearsals. You could see the bond between all the cast and crew members, with everyone high-fiving each other after each song, sharing food during intermissions and just chatting with each other.
The hard work that everyone put into their characters really paid off. Some highlights included Loretta Pietrosanto's beautiful rendition of Where is Love, Rowan Lister and Maya Wimalasundera’s eccentric performance of That’s your Funeral, Renae Bekas’s heartfelt version of As Long as He Needs Me and Lila McMahon-Johnson's Consider Yourself.
Overall, the production was a massive and unforgettable success! We all made many special memories from the experience and, personally, I cannot wait for next year's performance!
String Concert
Noah Emons, Vice-Music Captain
The String Concert last Wednesday exhibited the diverse talents of Kilvington Music students from ELC to Year 12.
The youngest of our performers from Intermezzo Strings charmed us with their rendition of the Twinkle variations while dedicated senior soloists dazzled the audience with their show-stopping virtuosity of pieces from Mozart, Bach and Sarasate. We also had tasteful ensemble groups including a student duet, the Arioso Trio, Junior Strings, Chamber Strings and Celtic Band.
The pieces spanned genres and instruments, providing a fun and interesting concert for both performers and listeners. The night was capped off by the Kilvington Orchestra delivering Edvard Grieg’s In the Hall of the Mountain King in full force.
We thank all the performers for the countless hours they put into practising, rehearsing and performing, and our family and friends in the audience for showing their appreciation of Kilvington’s string talent. Thank you also to our Music teachers and staff for preparing such a wonderful evening of entertainment for us to enjoy.
The Music Department has more fantastic musical events coming up, including the Winter Concert for Years 5 to 8 on Wednesday June 14, and of course, the spectacular Centenary Concert at Hamer Hall on August 10.
Star of the Week - Kai Tang (ELC)
Kai Tang of ELC Magnolia Group performed Suzuki Violin on his own to his class friends last week. Kai performed Suzuki's Busy Busy Stop by memory!
Kai also performed with the Intermezzo Suzuki Strings at the recent String Concert which was his very first concert. He will also be performing with them at the upcoming Winter Concert. Congratulations on a wonderful job, Kai!
Centenary Concert – attention all Kilvonians
Kilvington will be celebrating 100 years this year! To mark this momentous milestone, we will be holding a Centenary Concert at the prestigious Hamer Hall, Southbank on August 10 at 7.30pm.
We would love you to help celebrate with us, either as an audience member or a participant in the many opportunities available on stage as a performer. Kilvonians are also welcome to participate in any of the present Kilvonian performance groups.
I'm so looking forward to sharing this evening with all of the Kilvington community.
Please let me know if you're interested in joining us. Email: Ms Nicole Bull at
AMEB Exam Session and Enrolment Dates 2023
Session | Exam Date | Entries Close |
4th Metropolitan Practical
| 7 August – 2 September | 9 June
5th Metropolitan Practical | 2 October – 12 November | 21 July |
1st Regional Practical | 24 July – 5 August | 19 May |
2nd Regional Practical | 13 November – 8 December | 11 August |
Diary Dates - Term 2
Date | Time | Venue | Event |
Tuesday, 13 June | 11.30am – 12.00pm | Dalton Hall | Years 2/3 String Concert
Wednesday, 14 June | 7.00pm – 8.30pm | Dalton Hall | Winter Concert
Thursday, 22 June | 11.30am –12.00pm | Dalton Hall | Year 5 Band Program Concert |