PFA News

Nadine Power, PFA President
Term 2 CSR Meeting
We had a very well-attended Term 2 CSR Meeting last month and were delighted that both our Head of Junior School, Lucas Collins, and Deputy Head of Junior School, Karen Chandler, were able to join us.
It was wonderful to hear about the catch-ups and smaller events being held for individual cohorts and what's planned for the future. Please join the WhatsApp group and/or Facebook page for your year level to stay up-to-date with news and goings on.
Thank you to all our fantastic CSRs who do such a good job of keeping our community engaged and connected.
PFA refreshments at Senior School Production
We hope all those who attended the excellent performance of Oliver last month enjoyed the snacks and refreshments made available by our wonderful PFA.
A massive thank you to Carrie Fowler, Jacquie Rynn, Marnie Turner and Danita Tucker for their leadership and to Margaret Barkley, Merilyn Griplas, Alexia Le, Lanka Nammuni, Sophia Prentice, Karen Roberts and Dina Zaitman for helping out on the night. We are incredibly grateful to you all. A special shout-out to students Ruby McKinnon and Jasmine Ptok who also very kindly volunteered their time and effort. Thank you!
PFA Staff Thank You Morning Tea
Enormous thanks to all those families who provided such a wonderful array of treats and notes of gratitude for our staff at the PFA Thank You Morning Tea on Wednesday.
The tables were full of cakes, slices, sandwiches, cakes, cookies, chocolates, quiches, savoury rolls and some tasty sticky rice dumplings for staff to enjoy. It was a perfect event to convey how much we appreciate and value them and all our staff were very grateful.
Some of the notes of thanks from our teachers include:
'Could you please pass on a heartfelt thank you to the PFA and all who contributed today. I was blown away when I walked into the staffroom and saw enough food to feed a small country! It made me feel genuinely appreciated and blessed to be a part of the Kilvington community. Thank you!'
'Thank you to you all for an amazing morning tea. What a treat!'
PFA General Meeting - Tuesday 6 June
The next PFA General Meeting will take place this Tuesday 6 June from 7.30 to 8.30pm in the Boardroom. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Kilvington Cares – calling new cooks
The Kilvington Cares Program supports our School community by providing meals to anyone in need of a helping hand. The program reflects the Kilvington motto of ‘not for our own, but others’ good’ and is greatly appreciated by recipients.
'Thank you to Kilvington Cares for the delicious meal delivered to our doorstep last week. We are so lucky to be part of this wonderful community.'
'Thank you so much, Kilvington Cares. Your thoughtfulness and delicious cooking are very much appreciated.'
We are looking for additional volunteers to sign up to the roster and cook either a sweet or savory item (or both) and deliver to Main Reception on a day that suits. This presents a great opportunity for parents to contribute out of school hours and in an anonymous capacity. If you would like to sign up as a Kilvington Cares, you can do so here.
Secondhand Uniform Shop (SHUS)
The SHUS will next be open on Saturday 17 June from 9.00 to 11.00am in Dalton Hall.
The team will be accepting items for consignment. All items need to be in excellent condition and freshly cleaned. Blazers, tunics, skirts and pants should be dry cleaned please.
Thank you to Briohny Marshall and the SHUS volunteers for providing this great service for our students.
Thank you to our Mother’s Day volunteers
A big thank you to the following people for helping out at the Mother’s Day Stall and Breakfast last month. These events are only made possible thanks to your time and efforts and we are so grateful for your help.
Sweta Ajmera, Linda Allison, Nicole Blackmore, Jason Butcher, Ash Cooper, Lou Cooper, Tim Cooper, Chelsie Dickson, Helen Fotiou, Fiona Godfrey, Serena Gray, Simon Hall, George Lane, Natasha Lowe, Briohny Marshall, Trinette McClimont, Mandy McDonald, Wendy McManamny, Liz Michelini, Emily Munnerley, Paul Munnerley, Lanka Nammuni, Markus Oswald, Nicole Pope, Mark Ransom and June Zhang.
Craft Group
The next meet up of the Kilvington Crafting Group will take place on Thursday 8 June from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. New members are encouraged and everyone is welcome.
If you are interested, please sign up here or contact Eleri Stephens via with any questions and for location details. Thank you.
Seeking volunteers for the Junior School House Athletics - Wednesday 21 June
The Junior School House Athletics will take place on Wednesday 21 June at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve.
The PFA is looking for people to help run the refreshment stand on the day. This involves buying snacks and drinks ahead of the day, setting up at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve, cooking the sausage sizzle and serving our hungry and thirsty athletes from approximately 9.30am to 1.00pm.
If you are interested and able to assist, please sign up here. Thank you for your consideration.
Diary dates
- PFA General Meeting, Tues 6 June, 7.30 - 8.30pm, Boardroom
- SHUS – Sat 17 June, 9.00am -11.00am, Dalton Hall
- Junior School House Athletics – Wed 21 June, 9.00am -1.30pm, Duncan Mackinnon Reserve
- SHUS – Sat 22 July, 9.00 -11.00am, Dalton Hall
- PFA General Meeting - Wed 2 August, 7.30 – 8.30pm, Staff Lounge
- PFA Admin/Library Technicians’ Lunch – Wed 16 Aug, 12.00 - 1.30pm, Boardroom
- CSR Meeting – Wed 16 Aug, 7.30 - 8.30pm, Staff Lounge
- Father’s Day Stall – Fri 25 Aug, Dalton Hall
- Father’s Day Breakfast – Fri 1 Sept, 7.30 - 8.30pm, Dalton Hall