Sports News 2023

Sports News 2023

Hello everyone,

We are all looking forward to an exciting year in sport!!!!


Before school jogging will start on Tuesday February 14th at 8:05 am. Children will run and walk laps of the oval and receive a dot for each lap which will be added to their total each session. Jogging will be held on Tuesday and Thursday. Jogging concludes on Tuesday May 16th. Parents welcome! Certificates will be given the number of laps completed.


In Term 1 our whole school will be involved in Athletics with the highlight being the school sports which will be held on Tuesday March 14th. It will take place on the school oval.

During the year we will also hold a Skipathon Day, Footy Day and Kaboom Sports day.

Our Grade 5-6 students have the opportunity to participate in a huge range of activities including: Athletics, Cross Country, AFL, Netball, Soccer and Basketball competitions.

Our Grade 4s will have their first chance to try out for District Track and Field competitions whilst Grade 3s can trial for the District Cross Country team!! 


Sports Dates 2023 St John’s

Wednesday March 1st- District swimming trial  at Pines pool. 7am-8:30am. Must be a squad level swimmer to try out. Please contact me if you are interested.

Tuesday March 14th -School Sports- all day. Whole School

Friday March 31st- District Athletics day. Grade 4-6 for those who qualify for events. (Reserve day Monday April 3rd)

Wednesday May 3rd- District Field Event day. Grade 4-6 for those who qualify for events. 

Friday May 19th- District Cross Country at Woodleigh School. Grade 3-6, for those who qualify. (Reserve Day May 22nd)

Gr 5-6 Interschool Sport. Friday- May 26th, June 2nd, and 9th.

Friday June 16th- District Lightning Premiership- Grade 5-6.

Wednesday August 16th - Skipathon- Whole School

Friday August 18th Girls AFL lightning Premiership. Gr5-6

Friday August 25th- District Basketball Championships. Gr 5-6.

Thursday September 7th Footy Day- Whole School

Friday November 10th- Cricket Day- Grade 5-6