
Student Achievements

Student of the Week Awards 

Week 10

FE - Sibylla B

FJ - Noah M

1/2J - Oscar W & Will R

1/2S - Thomas G

1/2E - Harper G & Gabe L

1/2B - Whole Class

3/4K - Augie D

3/4B - Rex C

3/4G- Isaac H

5/6O - Tristan Y

5/6MW - Annie K

Student Learning - 1/2

1/2B have been working on designing and creating their own maths games where they choose an area of maths to focus on. They have to write and publish the game's aim and rules so their classmates can follow and play their game.

1/2E and 1/2S have been busy designing and making prototypes of a piece of technology that could help care for and protect our environment. We have had fun exploring this topic during Inquiry this term!

This week in Maths , 1/2 J have been designing and creating their own games that focuses on their favourite maths topic. We can’t wait to see them all finished and have a go at playing them!