Message from the Principal Team

Principals' Update

Offsite Evacuation Drill

On Tuesday we conducted an off site evacuation drill just before lunchtime. Our school's Emergency Management Plan requires several onsite and offsite evacuation and lockdown drills during the course of the school year. These drills provide our students and staff with the opportunity to practise these processes during the year in case of an actual emergency. 


An emergency drill at school is a perfect opportunity for families to discuss their own Home Fire Escape Plan and how to call 000 in case of an emergency. Please see the link below to the Fire Rescue Victoria page:


School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) / Respectful Relationships (RR) Survey

Our School Wide Positive Behaviour / Respectful Relationships Team are seeking feedback from the school community to better understand parent understanding of SWPBS and RR at CNPS to guide the action plan in 2023. Please take the time to complete this short survey found at the link below:



Any parents wishing to join this team as parent representatives are invited to contact Jesse Tatterson.


Whole School Transition

We are currently in the process of finalising the 2023 classes. This process takes a lot of time as great consideration and care is taken to meet the needs of our students. We will be conducting whole school transition sessions on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 after lunch. During these sessions, our students will get to know their 2023 teacher/s and classmates. We will publish the teaching teams and 2023 staff on Compass on Monday and in the newsletter next week.


Class Placement

The process that Carlton North Primary School (CNPS) works through to plan each student’s class placement begins months before the end of the school year.  We understand that in certain situations, parents and carers may like to request that their child be placed with a particular friend or in a particular class. 


CNPS recognises the importance of fostering and maintaining friendship groups. We also understand that it is equally important for students to mix and learn with peers who have different interests. All students have been asked to nominate 3 friends that they work well with when learning. Every student has at least one confirmed friend.


All teachers at CNPS are caring and committed educators and CNPS strives to ensure that all students are provided with a high-quality education. 


We do not reallocate students to different classes after the classes have been communicated to students or during the school year unless exceptional circumstances arise. 


Please see the link below to our Class Placement Policy:


Term 4 Housekeeping

Please finalise outstanding event payments as soon as possible so the office can complete the end-of-year finance process.


Please check for any lost property as it will be given to charity after the end of the school year.


Please return any outstanding library books.


A reminder that school finishes at 1.30 pm on Tuesday 20 December after an assembly.



Principal Team

Rachel Corben and Jane Bilby