Student Voice

Foundation Visit

Joe Brumm (the creator of Bluey!) Visit Foundation

 This week, Foundation students were joined by Joe Brumm, the creator of 'Bluey!' and were taken behind the scenes of Ludo Studio. ‘Bluey!’ has become the most popular show in ABC history and the Heeler family make a regular appearance in our Foundation classrooms. The carefully detailed, yet funny storylines offer elements of social emotional learning, whilst providing valuable parenting strategies for adults.


Two students from each Foundation class had the opportunity to show confidence and ask Joe a question. We wanted to know things like, ‘How come there are both blue and red heelers?’, ‘How did you come up with the name Bluey?’, and ‘How do you create an episode?’. Joe shared how his main inspirations were the people around him; his family and friends. Joe told Foundation how he had so many different breeds of dogs growing up and each character was born from his childhood memories. Joe encouraged the students to keep drawing and being creative!


We are all huge fans of 'Bluey!’ in Foundation and feel so lucky to have Joe join us remotely!


Thank you for organising and coordinating this Miss Jasmine! (Pre-service teacher in FC)


The Foundation Teachers and Students

Year 3 are learning about formal letter writing

In Writing, Year 3 have learnt about letter writing and yesterday focussed on the structure of formal letters. Neil wrote this lovely letter which his teacher wanted to share. It certainly brought a smile to my face.

The teachers were so impressed with the students letters they wanted to include some in the newsletter. Here are just a few.

Our School Values

We have strived to embed our school values into everything we do. 

This week we published some more interpretations from across the student population.