Principal Report

Hi Everyone, 


Can I just start by saying that we miss you? 


The end of the term is near and it has been a challenging one. We have changed our delivery of lessons this fortnight so we could ensure that the students are engaged more with their teachers before they begin school holidays. 


Please keep an eye out for the extra specialist sessions and classroom social/celebration sessions.


We are also working to prepare for how remote learning might look next term if we are still in lockdown and for our onsite return. Rest assured that we are working to ensure that your children are catered for and looked after. We will keep you informed every step of the way.

Samantha McDonald and I were lucky enough to be able to do a site visit for our new buildings last week and they are looking fabulous. The spaces are really coming together. We have 3 new playgrounds being built with wonderful shade sails. There is retro-fitting occurring in Ngarnga over the holidays so it will be ready for our Year 7 students next year as well. It is so exciting!


This week Jess DeBono and Michael Minas will be hosting some Maths at Home sessions via Zoom and I encourage you all to get online and learn with them. It is such a wonderful opportunity to be able to find out how to support your child with their learning at home.  


The P-2 session will be tomorrow September 14th at 7pm and the 3-6 session will be tonight September 13th at 7pm. We look forward to seeing you then. For further information please see the flyers on Seesaw and Compass.


Our Year 7 Information Night is this Wednesday evening – September 15th. Again, please see Compass for further details.

I would like to encourage families to get vaccinated as soon as they can. It is one of the reasons to leave home and the school holidays would be a convenient time to organise this.


Please stay at home and stay safe. But that doesn’t mean it all has to be doom and gloom. I hope that you all find some time as a family to do some things together that bring you joy over the holidays. In my house this means board games. It is very competitive and we have had to build our word skills a lot during lockdown. 


There have been a variety of new games arriving in the mail over the last month in order to keep us engaged. I look forward to learning how to play them over the break. It is important that we look after one another and keep our spirits up. 


As always if you need to contact us, you can call on 8560 6079.

