Upcoming Events

Mother's Day Morning Tea
The RNSS P&C would like to invite all Mums, Grandmas or significant others to a Mother's Day Morning Tea on Friday 6th May!
- WHEN: Friday 6th May @ 10am
- P&C will provide scones. Drinks are available for you to purchase
- RSVP: 29th April. Please contact the office or send us a message on Social Media, if you would like to join us. (You can also RSVP via the text, which was sent out today)
When RSVPing - please let us know your drink order, so we can pre-order it for you
P&C will also have a Mother's Day Hamper to win - for your chance, please bring a gold coin donation on the day.
Book Week
Next week is the 100th CBCA Book Week!! The theme is ‘Dreaming with eyes open.. Listening to Country as the first storyteller’. Please come dressed in costume on Friday (6th May).
We have organised a Book Week Character Walk Friday morning (6th May) at 8.50am in the undercover area. Please encourage your children to dress up in the theme OR as their favourite book character, all participants will receive certificates. We invite all parents to attend the parade & stay for the Mother's Day Morning Tea, directly afterwards.
School Photos
POSTPONED to TERM 3 - information on how to order your 2022 photos can be found on the 'Parent Information' tab.