Secondary 11/12

Team Leader's Message

Careers Expo

The annual Concord Careers Expo was held in the gymnasium last week.  There were approximately 20 post-school service providers in attendance, explaining how they support students in their lives after school.  Services included Tafes, Transition to Employment programs, Disability Employment Services, and various disability service providers.  The Year 12 students were given the challenge of asking questions and recording responses in an Expo Stampathon booklet and we congratulate them on their efforts.  Next week parents/carers and Year 12 students will meet with the Post-School Transition Coordinator, Rhiannon Campbell, to identify services they wish to visit in Term 2 before making decisions about placements for 2019 in Term 3.


Success Pass Winners

Congratulations to our winners for the past fortnight:

Kon H chose to have a personal ‘out of uniform’ day.

Hebe W selected to have a fish and chip lunch as a reward.


Bronwyn Hart

Secondary 11/12 Team Leader