From the Principal, Diana Ellis

Fire Danger Days

We are a Code Red school and although in our district it is a severe warning today, Carlsruhe is at a high risk of danger from grass fires, particularly on days on high temperature and winds. At the time we made the decision we had been informed that it was a code red for our district before that was downgraded. Therefore I am sure you can appreciate our preparatory actions to keep our students and staff safe. It is disappointing the amount of negative social media comments but thank you to the many appreciative people who have supported us in keeping our Carlsruhe students at the main campus today with safety a priority.

Emergency Management Planning

Many people often ask about our planning and response to emergency situations. Our planning is based around information from Bureau of Meteorology and DET and the actions we have listed in our emergency management plan.

It is mandated by DET that we have an Emergency Management Plan that is responsive to our context and cater for many situations including fires (bushfire and grassfires), intruders, bomb threats, severe weather, loss of essential services, just to name a few. Each year in October we have to complete our plans and send them to the Department for approval. The plans are comprehensive (54 pages) although at school we have summarised versions that are user friendly. Due to the fact that Carlsruhe could be impacted by a grass fire on extremely hot and windy days we therefore keep all Carlsruhe staff and students at the main campus.

Tabloid Sports Day

Our 2nd annual tabloid sports day was a huge success. I believe the success was attributed to the following factors:

  • all students and staff wearing house colours and participating
  • a range of fun and engaging activities including: gumboot throwing, sack races, laser challenge, basket run, glove run and clothes relay.
  • detailed planning
  • a sense of connectedness
  • multi –ages working together
  • a sense of pride in being part of a house team

It was heart warming to see nearly every member of our school (students and staff) dressed in house colours and the amount of team work and support between students in their multi aged groups. The ceremony started with our sporting oath and also a pledge that was written by Ginger, one of our School Captains. The pledge incorporated all of our values and then the games were declared open. The positive level of sportsmanship demonstrated our school values.


Carlsruhe Fair

Thank you to the people that have already committed to volunteering on the day. However, at our meeting last night it was very apparent that we simply need a lot more volunteers particularly for our food stalls. If would be disappointing to have to cancel some of the food options due to lack of people to help serve the food. With only a week to go we need you to grab a buddy and come along and help out for an hour. I have enlisted a buddy to help throughout the day – the very helpful Mr. Ellis.