School News
School Council Elections
Parents are invited to nominate for the parent category of the Warrnambool College Council.
There is a nomination form linked below which is to be returned to Karina Said by 4:00pm on 18 February 2019.
Forms are also available from the main office.
Sustainability News
WAR ON WASTE.... Students are encouraged to SIGN UP to help with our own War on Waste here at the college by giving your name to Ms Miller. Our Whole School Waste Audit event is in the planning....more information to come. Thinking globally, Acting locally
Art News
We will soon have full Membership with the Art Gallery of Ballarat. Although this has been organised via our Art Department the membership entitles ALL STUDENTS across ALL SUBJECTS free access to any of the seminars and floor talks on offer throughout the year as part of the gallery's education program.