Whole School Happenings



At Bimbadeen we have a number of students with various health related conditions, one of which is Diabetes. Managing this important health condition at school is vital to a student’s health and wellbeing. 

Your child may have noticed some students with diabetes wearing a small bum-bag. This contains important medical supplies to help these students to manage their condition when outside in the playground or on a school excursion etc. We encourage you to chat to your child about such diversity in the playground as this encourages acceptance and support for all students. 

Last week at Assembly, Mrs Gregson emphasised the important ways we can support all students with health condition such as diabetes and anaphylaxis when out in the yard. Staff are also currently undertaking online diabetes training to build their knowledge and understanding of this important health condition.

Follow this link to The Royal Children’s Hospital to learn more about Diabetes. https://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact_sheets/Diabetes_/









During the last part of 2020 we did an update with Sentral and have moved across to their cloud based storage which has increased its reliability and stability for our users. It has been great that most of our parents are feeling more confident with the program. Next week, we will have a member from Sentral out on site to provide advice and assistance to any parents needing some guidance. 


Some parents have mentioned that they are not receiving push notifications when a newsfeed item is sent. Please ensure you have done the following to ensure you receive these important messages:

-       You have downloaded the app and registered the account

-       You are logged into the app

-       You have the most current version of the app

-       The app is not on the devices power saving setting that closes down background apps

-       If you have multiple students at different schools using Sentral you switch between the schools to see the notifications


If you are still experiencing any difficulties, particularly logging in, please do not hesitate to contact the school or Melinda Ruscitti melinda.ruscitti@education.vic.gov.au . We are able to quickly reset your password and get you back up and running again.


We are very excited to announce that Katie Atkin from Sentral will be coming to Bimbadeen Heights. She runs professional development sessions for schools and staff to further develop their knowledge and skills when setting up and using Sentral. She doesn’t normally provide assistance directly to parents, so we are extremely fortunate to have this opportunity. 

If you are experiencing any difficulties with Sentral or have any questions, I will be joined by Katie in the office area on Thursday 4th March from 3-4pm for any parents to pop in and see us. 

If you need any help, we would love to see you then.

Thanking you

Melinda Ruscitti



Dear parents/carers,

This is a friendly reminder that the Classroom Helpers Course will be running next Wednesday the 3rd of March from 7 - 9pm in the BER. Information about this course was included in the Back to School Kit. If you would like to help in the classroom as a volunteer and have not participated in this program previously, we would love to see you on the night. Thank you to those who have already returned the reply slip. If you have misplaced the form, please feel free to inform the office of your attendance before next Tuesday. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via Sentral or email.

Thank you,

Liz Nicholson




Hi Bimbadeen families,

This year we are running a Puzzle Club as part of our wellbeing program. 


I was wondering if anyone has puzzles that they would like to donate to the school. We are after puzzles in good condition and with all pieces intact, that your family may no longer use. 

Puzzles that can be constructed in a lunchtime session with not too many pieces, would be wonderful. Donated puzzles can be left at the office.

Thank you for your support,

Liz Nicholson