After School Activities

Kelly Sports is back for Term 1

Our sessions focus on fun, enjoyment and maximum participation. So get a group of friends together and come and experience what Kelly Sports is all about!! 


We are following these COVID Guidelines & Procedures:

-Coaches will be wearing face masks

-Equipment will be sanitized before & after all sessions-Hand sanitiser will be used regularly throughout our sessions

-Social distancing measures will be enforced

-Games will be modified and there will be limited sharing of equipment

-All our coaches have completed the COVID-19 Infection Control Online Training Course

-Parents will be asked to remain in their cars for pick-up and we will facilitate the safe supervision and dismissal of all children from the gate near the front office.

- Numbers will be capped based on Govt & Health Regulations


Available Sessions:

  • Kelly Sports Clinic (6 weeks) (3:40pm to 4:40pm)