Anna's Annotations


We have noticed, and want to celebrate all the families who have put extra effort into making sure their children attend school more often, and on time each day. This has been an area we have been quietly focusing on with individuals, but which we want to celebrate as a whole school community. We want to continue to focus on making sure all students are at school whenever they are healthy enough to attend. 




Regular attendance at school provides students with the strong foundations necessary to develop academic skills and emotional and social connections. Your child's teacher notices when they're not at school, and observes the learning they have lost in their time away. Children are much more successful in their learning when they are at school every day, able to access the learning that is so important in setting them up for a successful future. 


At Kilsyth Primary School, we have a strong focus on building connections for students, for example: relationships with teachers, friendships and connections with learning. Parents are encouraged to participate in school activities, for example: breakfast club, classroom helpers, special events and excursions. All the community connections we build as a school, help students feel confident and eager to come to school each day. 


If your family needs support in getting back to school after a sickness, holiday, or for any other reason, please reach out to the school so we can put a plan in place to help your child be at school every day. 

Thank You, Volunteers!

We have so many wonderful parents who help with preparation of Cake Stalls, Sausage Sizzles, Special Lunches, Breakfast Club, Discos and so much more. Thank you to all of our existing volunteers, especially those who helped out at the rocking disco on Friday night!


If you are interested in getting involved, please pop by the office or give us a call (97254320) to let us know that you are interested. We have many many opportunities for new people to get involved. 


Food Handling

We will be running a free, group Food Handling training session in the school Library, for any of our parent volunteers who require it. It is preferred that all volunteers who are involved with food while helping out at school complete this training - this includes Breakfast Club, Cake Stalls, Discos, Sausage Sizzles, Special Lunches and any other food-related activities. 


Food Handling Training


Thursday 20th July 9am-10.30am

KPS Library


Jenni (Chaplain) will be facilitating this session. There will be a sign-up list at the office, please add your name to it!

Education Sub-Committee


Do you love writing policies?


Are you interested to find out more about how we educate our students?

Do you have experience in Education that could be valuable to our school?

Are you particularly good at chatting about teaching and learning?


Do you like snacks?


If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, I have a fantastic opportunity for you!


In Term 3, we will be starting up a new School Council Sub-Committee - Education Committee! This will be a twice-a-term meeting that involves a small number of staff and parents, where we will seek parent input into policies and educational issues that arise at School Council. 



It's important that we hear from a broad range of our parents at this meeting, so I'm particularly asking for volunteers who may not have previously been so involved in the school. Perhaps you've been waiting for an opportunity that is more up your alley? Perhaps you have some experiences that would provide a useful perspective when reviewing homework? Maybe you want to get to know more about what policies are and how they impact our school?



Education Committee meetings will be held on a Monday, 4-4.30pm, twice per term. There will be snacks. 


If you are interested, please contact the office to put your name down, and don't hesitate to chat to me if you have any questions!


- Anna Johnstone.