Ensemble Music

Sarah Horne, Visual & Performing Arts Leader, Director of Music

To finish term 1, the Aberfoyle Park High School extra-curricular ensembles presented their first performance for the year. This was a filmed performance for SACE assessment. Ensembles included the Big Band, Concert Band and Percussion Ensemble which included 70 students across year 7-12. 


Students have worked together through the year to learn their music ready for this performance. Additionally this was the first formal assessment for the year 12 ensemble music students.  It is always wonderful to see the hard work students put into their music learning, as a final product, and to see how student’s progress and gain confidence in their music skills every lesson. 


In term 2 we have two major performances. The year 7 specialist music students will present their first music performance for the year on Wednesday 24 May at 6.30pm in the Aberfoyle Park High School theatre. This performance is for students to show off their new skills and for parents/friends to see the year 7s hard work learning an instrument for the past 10 weeks. For most students this is their first time ever learning an instrument. 


In week 10 term 2 Wednesday 5 July the extra-curricular ensemble will present their first performance for family and friends in the school theatre.