Staff in the Spotlight

Sub School Staff in the Spotlight 

Throughout term 2 and 3 we will be spotlighting our Middle and Senior Sub School Teams giving our school community the opportunity to find out more about who they are, why they became a teacher/leader and what they love most about their jobs!


This week we are spotlighting Michaela Piritidis.

Michaela is a Year 9 Year Level Leader and is a vibrant member of our Senior School Team. Michaela is an expert English Teacher, specialising in Media Texts and is also a key member of the Production Team leading the costume department. 


How long have you been teaching?

This is my third year of teaching.


What is your role in Sub School?

I am a part of the Year 9 Level Leader team.


Why did you decide to become a teacher and/or leader?

I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. After completing my first year, I felt compelled to challenge myself even further and to help myself grow as an educator. This is what made me apply to become a YLL in my second year of teaching. It felt right to do so because my first year of teaching was my cohort of student's first year at high school. Getting to see them through some vital growth moments was, and is, a rewarding experience.


What has been one of your best teaching moments?

This semester I have had the pleasure of teaching a truly wonderful group of students for 9/10 Creative Writing English Elective. These students have worked hard individually, collaboratively and all have shown significant growth in their creative writing abilities. Their Unit 1 Summative Creative Stories were all unique and well written bodies of work that each student spent weeks meticulously planning, editing and finessing. It was a joy reading their submissions.


What are three things your colleagues and/or your students would say about you?

Energetic. Loud. Positive.


What is the one piece of 'advice' or the one thing that you always say to your students?

It's more life advice and less classroom applicable. I always tell them to save half of their pay check while they are working and in school. Getting a job was something I always wanted so I could gain some independence in my life. I was fortunate to have parents who taught me to be savvy with my money and I can honestly say, I would not be where I am today without that advice.