Career News

Term 1

There’s a lot happening in the Careers and Pathways space at Wantirna College in Term 2.  


Our Year 9s have been busy finishing off their Morrisby profiles in preparation for their interviews with Career Practitioners in Weeks 6 and 9.  Parents and students should keep their eyes peeled for communication regarding how to book a time in the next week.


Year 10s are off on Work Experience next week – we can’t wait to hear about their variety of experiences! We are also busy preparing for TAFE & Uni visits in Term 3 with communication to come later this term.


Many of our Year 12s have been taking the opportunity to book appointments with Mrs Jessie Dennison & Mr Tim Knowles for careers conversations – we always love discussing the wide variety of pathways that our students explore.  We encourage Year 12s to continue to use Compass Conferences to book a time during lunch or a study period to have a pathways conversation and to consider their options for post-secondary.


Please find attached the latest 2 editions of Careers News, with information for students of all year levels.


Items in the 19th May edition of Career News include:

- Dates to Diarise in Term 2

- RMIT Early Offer Scheme

- News from Swinburne University

-New Cyber Security Double Degrees at Swinburne

- Environment & Sustainability at Swinburne

- Monash University Business Explorer Program 2023

- News from RMIT University

- Tech & Trades Experience Day

- Bachelor of Space Science at RMIT

- What is a Paralegal?

- WEP Students Exchange Events 2023

- Future of Jobs 2023 - World Economic Forum 

- Human Resources Courses in Victoria in 2023  

- Snapshot of James Cook University (JCU) in 2023


Items in the 12th May edition of Career News include: 

- Dates to Diarise in Term 2

- Victorian Careers Show 2023

- Discover ACU Events

- News from Monash University

* Discover Monash

*Access Monash Online Student Panel Seminars 

- Swinburne University Early Entry Program – 2024 Entry

- News from the University of Tasmania (UTAS)

* New Bachelor of Biomedicine

* Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours – Fast Track


- REMINDER: University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)

- Principal's Recommendation Scheme at CQU

- Health Science Degrees in Victoria in 2023 

-Snapshot - Blue Mountains Hotel Management School in 2023

Career News Bulletins

Please read the attached Career News Bulletins for information about University Open days, Careers Expo and Show dates, Science Holiday Programs and University News:


Career & Pathways Appointments

Parents should ask their Year 12 student to book a Careers and Pathways appointment with one of the Career Practitioners using the conference booking system on Compass. Students should choose a time when they do not have a scheduled class. We aim to meet with all Year 12 students during the year. This facility will be visible each time students login to Compass. We also welcome meetings with parents. These may be booked on request.


Please contact us for more information.


Jessie Dennison

Timothy Knowles

Career Practitioners