International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transp

Wantirna College is an inclusive school that respects and values diversity. As part of the Respectful Relationships priorities we raise awareness and celebrate important days throughout the year that recognise that diversity. 


On May 17, 1990 - the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the Classification of Diseases. While we celebrate this milestone and other advancements in LGBTQIA+ equality, the unfortunate reality is that there's still more work to do. The first IDAHOBIT was held in 2005 and is today acknowledged by millions of people globally. 


While IDAHOBIT has evolved over these years, the purpose remains the same - celebrate the progress we have made while also RAISING AWARENESS for the discrimination that LGBTQIA+ people still face today. 


Why is IDAHOBIT Important?

The recent nature of the LGBTQIA+ human rights movement means that stigma and discrimination are still prevalent across the world. This is also true in Australia, where:  

  • 68% of LGBTQIA+ employees are not out to everyone at work 
  • 2 in 3 LGBTQIA+ youth experience abuse due to their identity 
  • 35% of LGBTQIA+ Australians have experienced verbal abuse in the past 12 months 

These are just some of the issues LGBTQIA+ people face in Australia today. Sexuality and gender identity or intersex status are not always visible. Creating a culture where everyone feels safe and respected even if there aren't any visible LGBTQIA+ people, is even more important.


We would like to acknowledge the support of Giuseppe, the Wellbeing Team and Mitzi Flandez for their ongoing support of our Wantirna College LGBTQIA+ Alliance group.


To commemorate the date, students and staff were invited to join us at lunchtime on Friday 19 May  for some fun activities, games, music etc. 


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