News from the Library
Interview with Mr Qin
Q: What book are you currently reading?
A: Three Body by Liu Cixin, it’s a Chinese sci-fi fiction, about making contact with alien life.
Q: What is your favourite book/author/genre?
A: My favourite author is Paolo Coelho, he writes fantasy books.
Q: What is a book that is meaningful to you?
A: The Pilgrimage by Paolo Coelho, it’s about a quest to follow your own true path.
Q: Do you prefer your stories as books, audiobooks, eBooks or podcasts?
A: I prefer physical books.
Q: Do you have any books you would recommend?
A: I would strongly recommend that you should read the Three Body series, it’s one of my favourites.
Eloise Rogers and Imogen Evans
Library Captains
Author, Amie Kauffman Visit
On Wednesday, we were delighted to host author Amie Kaufman and to hear about the creative writing process. All Year 9/10 students doing Creative Writing as an elective this year, plus a few lucky students who won an essay writing competition, attended a session on Writer’s Habits and then participated in a Q&A.
This was followed by a guided writing session. Students were given a series of prompts to help them create their own stories with characters and plots unique to them. These outlines will be expanded upon in class to allow students to create their own Creative Writing piece.
There were so many take-aways from these sessions, but the ones that resonated most strongly from my perspective were:
- Writers are keen observers of the world around them.
- Writers read, a lot!
- Stories rarely emerge fully formed from your brain, they require the writer to write through the rough to get to the good – the trick is to keep going (and take breaks when needed).
- And lastly, writers write! You grow as an author with every piece you write, so just keep going.
Our thanks again to Amie for an inspiring visit. Hopefully we will get to read some of the finished stories later this year.
Interested in Playing Dungeons & Dragons?
Open to all students, experienced or new to the game. Games will be run every two weeks during lunchtime, at the Librarly. Contact Talea-Jane Simpson (TSI) via email or Teams to express your interest!
May Artisan of the Month is Now Open!
You are encouraged to enter anything creative - photos, drawings, sewing, knitting, carpentry, pottery, origami, an original piece of music, decorated cake etc. so long as it can be submitted digitally (eg photo or sound recording).
There are three categories (Students, Staff, and Family & Friends) with a prize for the winning student entry (winners of the Staff and F&F categories get honour and glory).
Submissions can be emailed by 8pm Sunday 28 May (end of Week 5, Term 2) to:
If it is a Family & Friends submission, please mention which student or staff member you are connected to. Up to 5 entries permitted per person, preferably in jpeg or png format.
By submitting, you agree to have your entry published to the school community (on Teams, in the College Yearbook, etc). Please contact me if you want to submit but prefer to keep your work anonymous.
Past entries can be viewed in the AotM Gallery at the top of the Library Teams channel. We look forward to seeing your creative output!
Joanne Montgomery
Library Manager