Art & Technology 

Find us on Instagram: wantirnacollege_artsandtech

Fast & Fresh

This week in Food Studies, the Year 9 & 10 Fast and Fresh classes produced the Burgers and Milkshakes they had designed in Term One. They were very excited to come into the kitchen and see their carefully selected ingredients ready for them to prepare their own designer recipes. Well done Year 9 & 10s for demonstrating your creative and cooking skills today!

Joanne Steen


VCE Systems Engineering Update

Our VCE Systems Engineering classes are getting stuck into their construction projects this term. At Unit 1, students are hard at work on their Mechanical Systems projects, building scale models of systems to help rural communities in the wake of natural disasters such as bushfires and floods. Our designs include elevator pulley systems, to help retrieve people who might have fallen into sinkholes, hand-cranked water pumps, foldable bridges, and mobile crane and plow systems for clearing debris from roads. 


At Unit 3, our students are working on their individual Integrated Systems projects, which constitute their major assessment for Units 3 and 4. These include an animatronic torso, an electric go-kart, a remote-control boxing game, and an autonomous wheelie bin caddy. 

Claire Baillie

Leader of Art & Technology

IT Work

In one of my IT classes (Minecraft and Web Design) I am creating a webpage using HTML and doing designs using CSS on the website

In another one of my IT classes (Create with Code) I am creating a game using the programming language C# and the app Unity.

In my final IT class (VCE Applied Computing) I am working on a few OneNote pages about Data Analytics as well as doing some Excel Exercises on the website

Regan Barnes, Yr 10


Hi I’m Charlotte, I’m one of the Art and Technology captains. This term in textiles the year 8s have been working very hard sewing different kinds of stuffed toys to donate to local organizations called United and Each to donate to kids in need. This has been a great class and I have enjoyed learning different kinds of stitches. This is a great cause because we are giving back to the community. Stay tuned for photos towards the end of term of the final toys. 

Charlotte Trinh, Yr 8


Curator - Casual Position Available

Do you have experience curating exhibitions, showcases, school events or galleries?

We are looking for a creative wiz with experience in the below criteria to work with our Operations & Logistics Co-ordinator from Term 3 onwards to curate the Wantirna College 2023 Art & Tech Showcase.


Role Description

  • Assist to design the layout of the Showcase 
  • Communicate with teachers, students, leaders 
  • Develop, plan and execute Art & Technology Showcase 
  • Create labels and descriptive materials for artwork 
  • Manage artworks of students by recording and cataloguing items of student work
  • Assisting with Installation
  • Print out descriptions
  • Order resources 
  • Design & Make Awards 


This role has a requirement of about 45-50 hours of work in total (from July to November) at around $30 per hour. 


How to Apply

Please email your application to by Friday 9 June 2023.


Successful Applicants 

Will be selected based on their experience through an interview process.