

In China, respect for elders and devotion to parents are both important traditional principles. With Mother’s Day fast approaching, our Year 7 students decided to prepare little surprise to mums and grandmas in Chinese class this week. 


Firstly, we look a famous Chinese ancient story ‘Mencius’s Mother’ (孟母三迁mèng mǔ sān qiān).  The story is about Mengzi’s mum moved houses three times to find the perfect location to raise her child, so Mengzi later became the greatest philosopher, whose ideas built the foundation for many Chinese belief systems. The Story ‘Mencius’s Mother’ now  has become one of the most famous phrases to refer to the importance of finding the proper environment for raising children and the unconditional love from a mother.


Later, our Year 7 put their full heart in designing beautiful Mother’s Day cards, they added many sweet messages and show their affection and thankfulness. Students also learned and added Chinese sentences into the card: 母亲节快乐! 我爱您!妈妈您辛苦了! mǔ qīn jié kuài lè ! wǒ ài nín ! mā mā nín xīn kǔ le !(Happy Mother’s day! I love you! Thanks for all your hard work!)


We wish you a very special Mother's Day! 母亲节快乐!

Rundi Yang
