
Year 7 Measurement Task

This term 7D & 7H have been busy with the Measurement task. They were told to investigate certain perimeters around Wantirna College - measuring doors, windows, tables and chairs in the Orchard, Mason House, Byrne House and Rees House.


They have been working hard using their conversions between m, cm and mm. Each group had a list of items to measure as their 'shopping list' and they will be investigating how much paint is needed to paint the area of these items in the upcoming lessons.

Erin Robinson


Maths Boost

 3:15pm - 4:15pm 

Every Tuesday, Reese House

Wantirna College offers a free after school Maths support program called 'Maths Boost'. This is open to all students at the College, from Year 7 to Year 12. Maths Boost is supervised by members of the Mathematics teaching team.


Students are welcome to attend at any time (no pre-registration required) to gain extra assistance or to catch up on their classwork, homework or Mathspace. Teachers may, at times, recommend that students attend Maths Boost for some additional support with a specific skill or concept.


During Term 1, Maths Boost was running on a Thursday afternoon in the Senior Centre. For the remainder of the year, Maths Boost will be returning to Tuesday afternoons in Rees House. Maths Boost will run every Tuesday, 3:15pm to 4:15pm. 


We look forward to seeing you there!


Mark Oudshoorn

Leader of Mathematics