Year 10 Work Experience

Senior School

The Year 10 Work Experience program is only days away.  We have over 180 students undertaking Work Experience next week from 22 May to 26 May.


All students not undertaking Work Experience are expected at school this week for an alternative program.


During Work Experience, parents / guardians have an important role in the successful delivery of Work Experience for their children. They play a vital role in assisting them to understand roles and responsibilities in the world of work. We hope employers will provide insights into the industry and the workplace in which students are located. It provides students with the valuable opportunity to develop employability skills, explore possible career options, understand employer expectations and importantly increases students self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence in preparing them for the real world. 


Expectations of Work Experience

Students must be aware that they are representing the College and themselves while on Work Experience and must continue to observe school policies and codes of conduct. Students must also follow general workplace rules and understand protocols regarding the internet. They should understand that some work placements might use sensitive information that must remain private and confidential. 


In Preparation for their Placement


- Have been provided with a Work Experience Student Handbook on Wednesday at the end of their Work Experience assembly. Students and parents are to carefully read through the Student Handbook and become familiar with the expectations and requirements of their placement. Students are required to undertake and complete a number of tasks throughout the week. This booklet must be returned to their Explore teacher the week after they return. 


- Need to make contact with their employer (phone call, text message or email) confirming their upcoming Work Experience placement starting on Monday 22th May. They must confirm starting and finishing times and expectations regarding appropriate dress and what to bring etc. 


- Should research the company before they start. A big part of knowing how to prepare for Work Experience is doing their research beforehand. Having a good idea of what the company does before their first day will help students make sense of things when they’re there. It will also help students prepare some questions that they might want to ask during their placement so they ar more able to engage in conversation and make a good first impression with their employer. 


- Gather the resources they will need. Being organised with resources before they start their placement will enable students to begin working straight away. 


- Make sure they are dressed for the occasion. What to wear to their Work Experience placement will depend largely on the type of work they’ll be doing. If they’re going to be based in an office, then you may need to wear semi formal attire, whereas if they’ll be working outdoors, they’ll need to bring warm clothes and suitable footwear. The employer should give students an indication of the workplace dress code before they start, but if not, make sure they ask if they’ll need to buy or wear any special clothing. By dressing in the same way as the rest of the workplace, students will feel more comfortable and feel a part of the team. See page 8 in the Work Experience Student Handbook for more information 


During their Placement 

The parent or guardian should:  

  • Discuss the day’s activities with their child and, if any problems are identified, encourage them to follow correct procedures to deal with the problem; and 
  • Keep details of the workplace with them in case they need to contact their child. 
  • Ensure Work Experience tasks with the student handbook are being completed over the course of the week. 

The student will: 

  • Inform the Work Experience Coordinator and employer of expected absences from work, or necessary late arrivals; 
  • Inform the Work Experience Coordinator and employer if any unexpected absence or lateness occurs; 
  • Immediately report all accidents, ‘near misses’ and hazardous situations in the workplace to their supervisor and the Work Experience Coordinator; 
  • Immediately seek advice from their supervisor when unfamiliar with workplace procedures in regard to occupational health and safety, or uncertain about how any task should be done; 
  • Report any concerns or issues to the Work Experience Coordinator without delay; 
  • Complete all Work Experience tasks within the Work Experience handbook and other tasks which have been set by the school; 
  • Undertake tasks allocated to them by their employer and/or supervisor in the workplace, as long as they have been given clear instructions and information about the task and how it should be done safely; 
  • Complete allocated tasks to the best of their ability; 
  • Reflect their school’s expectations with regard to courtesy and politeness while on work experience; and 
  • Keep contact numbers of their parents/guardians, school and employer with them at all times during their placement so that they can inform these parties about any changes to working times or other issues which may arise. 

After their Placement 

The student will: 

  • Complete all related tasks ready for submission at the completion of work experience placement; 
  • Evaluate and reflect on the placement, and discuss the suitability of the placement with the Work Experience Coordinator; 
  • Keep a copy of the employer evaluation for use in personal portfolio and future placements, and 
  • Complete a letter / email of thanks to the employer, detailing skills they have acquired. This will be completed in Explore 
  • Submit completed Work Experience student handbook to their Explore teacher in Week 6 Term 2. 


Importantly, make the most of it, good luck and have fun! 


Any questions or concerns before, during or after Work Experience, please reach out to our myself or Tim Knowles via Teams or email.


Darren Hoogkamer 

Leader of Senior School 

(Transitions and Pathways)