

Leading Teacher Communication 

Dear Parents/Carers, 


The students have made a positive start to Term 2 and are demonstrating a greater understanding of our PBS4L Framework and what it means and looks like to be a  Safe, Respectful, Learner.   


We would also like to formally welcome Linda Drayton to St Luke's Arrunga. Linda Drayton has joined our St Luke’s Arrunga community as Leading Teacher Personalised Planning. Her role is to work in partnership with teachers and parent/carer to plan support for students’ social and emotional wellbeing. As part of her role and through the personalised planning process, Linda will actively contribute to the wellbeing of students including the delivery of creative art based supports and intervention programs. 


Lastly, just a polite reminder that school commences at 8.20am, students who arrive after 8.45am will be marked late. Please note that dismissal is from 2:30-2:50pm. We ask that all parents and carers collect their child on time as staff are often involved in after school meetings. We thank you for your support.    


Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Kind regards,

Mrs Catherine Goodwill

High Support Needs Leading Teacher





Early Stage 1 & Stage 1

Dear Parents and Carers, 


The students have demonstrated a positive start to the term in transitioning back to school and are settling into the daily routines and structures of the day. 


The beginning of this term we welcomed Miss Tammy Ters, who is completing her Teaching Practicum into our class. Miss Ters will be working with us until the end of Week 5. We wish Miss Ters the best of luck during her placement.


Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 will begin library days where students will be given the opportunity to visit the St Luke’s library every Friday. This provides students with an opportunity to borrow books and participate in the Premiers Reading Challenge. If you would like your child to borrow some library books, please contact us and send your child to school with a school library book bag that is clearly labelled with their name. 


Kind regards, 


Mrs Natasha Narain                                                                                

Mrs  Isabel Little                                                                         






  • Literacy: During the Literacy block, students have been reviewing the sequencing of the days of the weeks and the months of the year to begin our history topics of recounting past events. Moving forward, we will be exploring how to compose recounts with a focus on recounting their holiday and weekend experiences. We will also be complementing the recounts by focusing on our sight words and letters recognition. 


  • Numeracy: In Numeracy students have been working on developing their understanding of time. They have been working on recalling and ordering the days and months of the year. During this week, we have  been discussing the parts of the days (morning, afternoon, evening and night) and which events are completing at each time. Students have also been revising their understanding of the parts of the clock and how to read o’clock and half past. During Week 3, we have been working on consolidating and developing the students' understanding of whole numbers to include counting forward and back, representing a value using concrete material and stating the number before and after a given number.


  • Religion: During our Religion lessons for the next fortnight, Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 will be exploring the church and what members of the community make up the church. We will discuss how the church is not just the building but the gathering of people who choose to follow God and live by Catholic values.


  • PDHPE: The focus of Personal Development and Health lessons is on developing student’s understanding of community workers. They will be learning about the various people in the community and how they can be accessed for help and support. In Sport, students will continue to develop their movement and gross motor skills by participating in yoga, obstacle courses and ball skills.    






Stage 2 & 3

Dear Parents and Carers, 


We have a very busy but exciting term ahead of us.We have seen the Stage 2 & 3 students return with a readiness to engage in learning and are actively developing their social skills. Please see below a brief outline of our learning curriculum focus. 


Just a reminder that Mr Shoalin Alnimer is completing a 10 week internship outside of Arrunga.

During Term 2, between weeks 1-9 Mr Alnimer will be off-site, therefore he will not be able to respond to calls, texts or emails. In his absence all parents/carers who have a child in Mr Alnimer’s class are asked to communicate directly via phone or email with Catherine Goodwill, Linda Drayton or Madalena Novella, HSN Coordinator, as per the normal school communication procedures.


Kind regards,





Mrs Merlin Binu                                                                               

Mrs Linda Drayton                    




  • Literacy: During the reading block students are developing social and language skills. Students have been engaged in incorporating learning from different modes of texts including audio and visual books.  We have also been incorporating the use of sight and complex words in their writing. The next two weeks students will be learning about the concept of old and new which will extend their knowledge on the historical inquiry and communication.


  • Numeracy: The main focus of numeracy for this fortnight is the mathematical strand of Measurement and Geometry. Students have been working on developing their concept of describing, comparing and ordering durations of events, and reading time. Over the next two weeks students will be learning more about whole numbers and measuring length.




  • Religion:  In religion, students are learning about various ways in which we can build relationships with God. This has helped them to understand the different religious values that all individuals should display and demonstrate to each other.Moving forward students will learn how our relationship with God can be strengthened through our good deeds and how we treat one another.

Stage 4

Dear Parents and Carers,


Stage 4 students have been positively engaging in Signing Support for Learning (SS4L) weekly lessons. They have been  learning about basic conversational signs in AUSLAN and Key word signing such as ‘Thank you’, ‘Please’ and ‘Toilet’. This fortnight we will also learn more about food preparation and safety in the kitchen through  Food Technology lessons by making ANZAC Cookies. 


Please find below a snapshot of activities we have been focusing on this week and for next fortnight. As always please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns. 



Kind Regards,

Mrs Sabitha Sadasivan                                                                     








Students have been engaged in choosing their own books to read for personal enjoyment  in Week 1. This has allowed them to explore their interests and share different genres. They have looked at how to identify the author and characters in the books as well as answering a range of comprehension questions. In the coming fortnight we will also be looking at interpreting various forms of information contained in videos and news. 



In numeracy, we have been continuing to develop students’ understanding of the mathematical concept of time and money. Each week, we will have a life skills focus of using and identifying numbers in everyday practices such as shopping, reading signs and timetables.. 



Stage 4 has started to explore “Why prayer is important in each person’s life” Students have been engaging in discussions about what prayers they know and how to make the sign of the cross. In the coming fortnight we are looking at the story of Joseph and Coat of many colours to understand more about the concept of forgiveness.  



Signing Support for Learning or SS4L was introduced to students as a lesson in the later half of Term 1. We have been learning how to sign the days of the week as part of our morning circle. In dedicated lessons, we practise learning about and using conversational signs to engage with our friends through the day. We will continue to develop our bank of words during the term.










  • Revisit and read through with your child at home the social stories which have been uploaded to their Seesaw account. 



  • If you need to contact your child's teacher, please be aware that teachers are face to face with students during the day and will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible. For all urgent matters please direct your inquiries to the main college office on (02) 9854 3100
  • Please ensure that your child has a drink bottle and a hat every day.
  • All items and personal belongings including lunchboxes and drink bottles need to be clearly labelled with their name 
  • Please be advised that we are a nut free school. No nut products, including nutella should be placed into lunchboxes.
  • School drop off time is between 8:20-8:45am and collection is 2:30-2:50pm. Please ensure that you are on time to drop off and collect your child. Outside of these times you will need to sign in, drop off or collect your child at the main office. 
  • If your child is unwell they should remain at home. If they present as being unwell they will be escorted to the main office sick bay and you will be called to collect them.





Term 2 

  • Friday 12th May - Mother’s Day Liturgy 9:45am
  • Wednesday 24th May - National Simultaneous Story Time
  • Thursday 8th June Arrunga Photo Day




Term dates for 2023 are as follows:

  • Term 2 - Wednesday 26th April - Thursday 29 June
  • Term 3 - Tuesday 18th July - Friday 22 September
  • Term 4 - Monday 9th October - Thursday 14th December

*School development days occur at the beginning of Terms 1, 2 and 3 and the last two days of the school year.







     “I come that you may have life

Life in all its fullness”  

                             John 10:10