School of Entrepreneurs

From the SOE Head of School

Students at St Luke’s are incredibly fortunate to have access to a flexible model of schooling that allows them to optimise their learning experience. One of the remarkable features of this system is the ability to utilise the mornings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for independent or group study. This arrangement empowers students to shape their education according to their unique needs and preferences. By having the flexibility to study individually or collaborate with peers, students can develop valuable skills such as self-discipline, time management and effective teamwork. Furthermore, this flexible approach fosters a sense of ownership over their learning, encouraging students to explore subjects deeply and pursue their passions. It not only cultivates a supportive environment for academic growth, but also prepares students for the diverse and dynamic challenges they may encounter in their future endeavours. During these study sessions, students have a multitude of options to make the most of their time. Here are some activities Years 9-12 could engage in:


  • Individual Study: Students can focus on reviewing class materials, reading assigned articles, completing assessments / consolidation / flipped learning or working on projects. They have the opportunity to dive deep into their subjects of interest, conduct research and enhance their understanding of the topics.
  • Group Study: Collaborative learning can be highly beneficial during these study sessions. Students can form study groups and engage in discussions, share ideas and exchange knowledge. They can work together on problem-solving, practice presentations or conduct group research projects. Group study sessions provide opportunities for peer-to-peer teaching, enhanced critical thinking and improved communication skills.
  • Exam Preparation: These study sessions offer valuable time for students to prepare for upcoming exams. They can create study guides, review past tests or quizzes and engage in practice questions. Collaborating with classmates in group study sessions can also facilitate exam preparation by sharing study strategies and reinforcing key concepts.
  • Project Work: If students are involved in long-term projects or assignments, these study sessions provide dedicated time for planning, research and implementation. They can utilise the mornings to brainstorm ideas, gather resources, collaborate with group members and make progress on their projects.
  • Skill Development: Students can utilise the flexible study sessions to develop additional skills beyond their academic subjects. They can explore online courses or tutorials related to coding, graphic design, public speaking, or any other areas of interest. They can also engage in activities such as writing, practising musical instruments or learning a new language.
  • Self-reflection and Goal Setting: These study sessions can also serve as a time for students to reflect on their progress, set goals, and plan their future learning path. They can assess their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to achieve their academic objectives.

Overall, these study sessions provide students with the flexibility to engage in a variety of activities that promote learning, collaboration and personal growth. They can tailor their study sessions to their specific needs and leverage this flexible model of schooling to make the most of their education. Students have the opportunity to attend our morning Hybrid Hub sessions to activate these strategies to enhance their learning. These mornings can also be used to access Mrs Campanale to talk about post school options for you.


I wish you all well over the coming weeks.


St Luke, Pray for Us. 


Ms Jacqui Genovese - Head of School, School of Entrepreneurs 




Year 9 Life Design Panel Event - Future Anything

On Tuesday of Week 2, all of year 9 had the opportunity to watch and engage with a panel of Year 10 experts for the project that Year 9 will be working on this term. They had the opportunity to ask questions, hear of the experiences of the year 10 students and seek advice on how to best approach our Entrepreneurial unit which is running through the Future Anything platform and our Life Design teachers. The year 9 students were appreciative of the insights provided and were driven further by a new energy to succeed this term. 


Ms Rowena Chand


Year 10 CathWest presentation

On Thursday of Week 2 Year 10 students had a visit from the Assistant Principal of CathWest, Ms Samantha Boreham. This gave students an insight into the vast opportunities that CathWest has the potential to provide. CathWest not only offers students a Trade Pathway, but also an Inquiry Pathway. The Trades on offer include, but are not limited to, mechanics, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, commercial cookery (chef) and hairdressing. The Inquiry Pathway aimed at building student skills in areas such as animation, robotics, podcasting and game development. 


CathWest is having opening nights in the upcoming weeks. If you or your child is keen to learn more about what CathWest has to offer, we would recommend that you attend as there will be staff on hand to work through any questions you may have. The details are as follows:


McCarthy Emu Plains Campus- 23rd May from 5-7pm

Loyola Mt Druitt Campus - 23rd May from 5- 7pm


Please register your attendance either on the night or on the CathWest College website:




Year 10 ‘Next Level Self’ Program

This term sees Year 10 students engaging with the Next Level Self program where they revisit their SIM in order to choose the best combination of subjects for their Stage 6 learning experience. Students will have the opportunity to engage with our Pedagogy coaches, Partnerships Manager (Mrs Campanale) as well attend the Western Sydney Careers Expo, multiple tertiary education providers and the Year 11 2024 Subject Information Night. All students are encouraged to pursue their passions and interests to ensure the best collection of subjects for them to achieve the best outcome for them as an individual beyond Year 10.

Mrs Chloe Vinney 


Year 10 Subject Selection Information Evening and Showcase 


This term, Year 10 students have been focussing on a program called ‘Next Level Self’ in Life Design lessons. They have reflected on their SIMs and are currently aligning these SIMS to courses that may suit them in Year 11 and 12. It is important that each student selects the Right Course and Right Level to set them up for future success, this includes their senior study and Post School Options.

Details about the selection process and courses on offer are on the Next Level Self Website. Additional to this, we are holding a Parent and Student Information Evening and Showcase which will be held in Week 5 on Tuesday 23rd May, 2023 from 5.30-7.30pm where you will receive more information. This is a compulsory event for all students and an accompanying parent. Students should attend the evening in the full College uniform. If you haven’t already, please confirm your attendance through this register by Friday 12th May, 2023. 

Ms Jacqui Genovese


Partnerships and Pathways:

On Monday, 8 May, Western Sydney University visited St Luke’s to share information about university course offerings, pathways into WSU, The College, and to explain their early offer program ‘WSU True Reward.’ This presentation was held from 9:00-10:00am during the Late Start and was open to students in Years 10-12. 


Multiplex Jumpstart Bootcamp

St Luke's Catholic College is delighted to have nine female students accepted into the Multiplex JumpStart Program. Western Sydney International Airport  (Nancy-Bird Walton)  is set for take off in late 2026. As the catalyst for new jobs, Multiplex is running six workshops to inspire the careers of the next generation of female professionals in disciplines such as construction management, architecture, engineering, design, project management, community relations and/or a trade. In session 2, students participated in speed networking with female industry professionals and university partners to explore courses and roles that align with the construction industry. 

Multiplex is committed to raising the number of women in all aspects of the construction industry from 13% to 25% by 2028. Girls who complete the Jumpstart program are automatically accepted into the Multiplex graduate recruitment program after they complete their university study. 


In addition, the new Western Sydney International Airport community engagement team will be visiting St Luke’s in Term 2 to speak about the skills and jobs in demand for the new airport. 


Mrs Stephanie Campanale


Trial HSC Examinations - Students studying HSC courses this year

Students in Year 10, 11 and 12 who are studying an HSC course this year will engage in the HSC Trial Examinations in Term 3. The examination block will commence on Monday 31st July and conclude on Monday 14th August 2023. Students will be required to arrive at the morning and afternoon sessions of exams 30 minutes prior to the advertised commencement time. No classes will be scheduled throughout the duration of this examination block, although students have the option to attend the regular studies if they wish. The timetable will be shared with you over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more information. 


Ms Jacqui Genovese




Term 2 2023 eSafety Webinars for Parents/Carers


Dear Parents/Carers, 


At Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) we see parents and carers as partners in your child's learning journey. In partnership with the eSafety Commissioner, CSPD would like to invite you to join the following free webinars for parents and carers:


  1. eSafety 101: how eSafety can help you
  2. Setting your child up for success online
  3. Getting started with social media: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram
  4. Online relationships and consent: sending nudes and sexting


About the webinars


eSafety 101: how eSafety can help you


Available Sessions:


  • 24 May 7.30pm - 8.00pm


This 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people in primary and secondary school. 

It will cover: 

  • Who the eSafety are 
  • What you can report to eSafety
  • Helpful advice and resources for parents and carers

What you need to do

Please note this webinar is offered several times so you need to select the date and time that works best for you.

Please register for the course on the secondary site via the following link: Register here

Setting your child up for success online


Available sessions:


  • 31 May 7.30pm - 8.00pm


This 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people in primary school.

It will cover: 

  • age-appropriate expectations and boundaries
  • online risks and strategies to keep your children safe
  • where to find support for you and your child when things go wrong

What you need to do

Please note this webinar is offered several times so you need to select the date and time that works best for you.

Please register for the course on the secondary site via the following link: Register here 

Getting started with social media: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram


Available Sessions:


  • 3 May 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm
  • 22 May 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm
  • 8 June 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm


This 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people in primary and secondary school. It includes practical tech tips, conversation starters and digital parenting advice.


It will cover:   

  • creating a positive digital identity
  • privacy and sharing online
  • managing what you see online
  • good practices in group chats
  • help-seeking

What you need to do

Please note this webinar is offered several times so you need to select the date and time that works best for you.

Please register for the course on the secondary site via the following link: Register here


Online relationships and consent: sending nudes and sexting


Available sessions:


  • 25 May 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm
  • 14 June 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm


This 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people in secondary school.


It will cover: 

  • the impact of sharing nude images without consent
  • practical suggestions for starting the chat about respectful relationships, consent and pressure to send nudes
  • where to get support for a young person who has experienced abuse

What you need to do

Please note this webinar is offered several times so you need to select the date and time that works best for you.

Please register for the course on the secondary site via the following link: Register here 



If you have any further enquiries please email


House Launch Day

We are delighted to announce that we will be launching our new House system on Friday, 26th May. The House Launch will include a range of activities and events that will give students the opportunity to learn more about their House and what it means to be part of a team. Please refer to the letter that has been sent to all families via Compass.


Mr Chris Bettiol