
As always, we have had a very busy start to Term 2! Read on to see some of things we have been up to...
Teddy Bears' Picnic
On Thursday the 18th May, the Preps hosted their Grade 6 buddies at our annual Teddy Bears' Picnic! It was a very wor day! We had completed lots of 'Bear' related learning tasks in the lead-up to the event, so we were well and truly ready when the big day arrived! Thank you to our wonderful Prep parents for providing such delicious and nutritious lunches for the buddies to share.
Friendology sessions
In our our first Friendology session, we learnt that in order to create healthy friendships, we first need to learn how to treat ourselves as a BFF. We reflected on the things we can do to be kind to ourselves. In our second session, we focussed on naming our feelings, helping students to recognise and embrace both positive feelings (being in the green zone) & negative feelings (being in the red zone).
Cyber Safety sessions
We are getting ready to start bringing our iPads to school - something that the Preps are very excited about! In our cyber safety sessions, we have discussed the ways we can stay safe when we are online such as keeping our passwords safe and not sharing personal information. In the videos, Trent and Sam (the Cyber Safety Project creators) have also taught us to 'think about how we feel' so that we can make safe choices online.
CBL: Power
In our CBL sessions, we have been thinking about the individual power that we have and how we can positively share our power with others. Some of our ideas have included being kind with our words (because words are powerful!), being loving and generous and being brave and courageous. We had a wonderful time creating our own superheroes and giving them cool names! Next, we will explore the ways our power can positively influence our environment and the world around us.