Student Wellbeing

Jocelyn Hollyman

Student Wellbeing at Wonga Park Primary School

At Wonga Park Primary School we are very fortunate to have truly caring staff who prioritise student wellbeing. 


Some of the things that we do to support student wellbeing are listed below:

😃 Whole School muti age Tribe groups- once a fortnight 

😃 Respectful Relationships

😃 Friendology- URStrong

😃 CyberSafety

😃 Student Counsellor- Jen Dooley- qualified psychologist and family therapist working with students, families and staff (one day a week)

😃 Student wellbeing support staff member- Laura Kennedy supporting students (3 days a week) - facilitating recess and lunchtime clubs and small group sessions

😃 Regular classroom discussions and collaborative group tasks

😃 Posters in classrooms- e.g. Catastrophe scale

😃 Individual or group discussions with students

😃 Parent meetings

😃 Kids Hope- Mentor program for selected students

😃 Student Wellbeing coordinator-Jocelyn Hollyman- oversees whole school wellbeing programs



On our recent curriculum day, Monday the 24th of April staff completed the URStrong- Friendology training. This term, we are introducing students to the concepts in the Friendology program. 

In Friendology, disagreements are referred to as ‘Friendship Fires’. Students will be learning that you can fuel or put out fires (solve or exacerbate disagreements). A very important part of the program is to encourage students to be brave and work towards solving friendship problems and not ignoring or walking away from them.


Tips for Parents 

⭐️ You can support your child/children by speaking about school in a positive way and encouraging a curious mind and love of learning.  You might like to discuss an interesting fact at dinner (Did you know…?.)or ask a question that requires their opinion. (What do you think about….? or Do you think…..?)

At the end of the day you could ask questions such as: 

What went well today?

Tell me about something you enjoyed?


⭐️ It is important to remind your child that disagreements are a normal part of relationships because as humans we have different likes, dislikes and opinions. You might like to visit the URSTRONG website and join as a parent-


⭐️ Remember that self care is important. Taking care of yourself is not selfish it’s necessary for your wellbeing and for those around you. Life can be very busy but take time to recharge your battery and do things that make you feel content and satisfied. 

‘Self care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.’ Katie Reed

‘An empty lantern provides no light. Self care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.’ Unknown


⭐️ Michelle Mitchell, Maggie Dent, Susan Stiffelman and Jason Coulson are parenting experts with some helpful tips on their websites. Brene Brown also has some helpful wellbeing tips. 


Take care and stay warm, 


Jocelyn Hollyman

Student Wellbeing Coordinator


Welcome to Laura Kennedy - Student Wellbeing Support

Hello WPPS community, 

I would like to introduce myself - my name is Laura Kennedy. A few of you might know me from the local area, a few of you may have already noticed me around your school over the last few weeks, but a lot of you may remember me from Burch Memorial Pre School. I am super excited to have moved over from the Early Childhood sector into the Primary School as part of the Wellebing Program. I have discovered over the last few years that I have a passion for Wellbeing and supporting both children and their families within the greater community. I myself have 2 children, I enjoy being outside, cooking – especially baking! Seeing friends and family for a yummy meal, or just sitting by our fire on a cold day! I am really looking forward to this new adventure, meeting and getting to know your children at WPPS. 
