
Visual Arts


What a busy week it's been in the art room creating fun and delicious treats relating to the Teddy Bear Picnic that the Preps enjoyed with their buddies. Students learnt how to weave a paper picnic rug and showed off their developing fine motor skills when painting and cutting their teddy paintings. 

Grade 1/2

"Over and under, over and under" - this has been the mantra that the Grade 1/2 students have been chanting this week in the artroom as they've begun their textiles weaving project. Using a cardboard loom, students have learnt how to add 'warp' (verticle threads) and 'weft' (horizontal weaves). These soon-to-be hanging masterpieces are sure to look snazzy up on a wall at home. We can't wait to see them complete!



Grade 3

Students enjoyed taking home their finished Pete Cromer inspired bird collage pieces for their Mum's for Mother's Day. Their attention to detail and use of contrasting colour and textured papers made for some of the most creative and fun birds going round!

Grade 4

Some gorgeous little chooks have recently come out of the kiln full of character and personality! This ceramic project for 3/4 students links in with their fortnightly work in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and the fluffy friends that they feed, cuddle and look after in our chicken coop. Students will be making nesting boxes for them soon, look out for displays of them around the school. 

Maker Space

Grade 1 and 2

Time to hunt down some coins because our money boxes will be coming home soon. Students have been working away to complete their money box character that they will be personally evaluating shortly. 

It was so pleasing to see how many different types of characters students dreamt up for this challenge. 

Grade 3 to 6

Building has commenced on our mini golf challenge. We have split up tasks to ensure our group is working as efficiently as possible. 

Testing has never been so fun - as we need to play our minigolf hole to test that it works as we envisioned. We have a few more sessions to make the necessary tweaks to ensure it works perfectly.

We have safely been using many different tools and materials to construct these courses.


Physical Education

District Cross Country