A message from PFA

Prep 2024 WhatsApp

Hello from the Parent & Friends Association (PFA) at Armadale Primary School


We hope you and your little ones are experiencing a wonderful Prep transition program. We’re looking forward to welcoming you into our supportive and inclusive school community.


What is the PFA?


The PFA offers many and varied opportunities for parents to get involved with the wider school community. All parents and carers are welcomed to become involved in activities during the school year. There are many opportunities to be part of social functions ranging from informal gatherings through to major fund-raising activities and volunteering in your child’s activities at school.


How do we stay connected as a PFA community?


The PFA establishes a What’s App group for each year level to support connection for families, share events and opportunities. For new prep families it’s a great way to connect with other parents and carers, share questions, and arrange meet ups.  We will have a coordinator assigned to the Prep What’s App group to ensure updates from the APS Compass (the schools official communication platform) are linked and messaged to you.


I am a first-time prep mum this year, and our What’s App group were bouncing questions prior to starting the school year anything from, times, uniform, meet ups… now 12 months in its our daily support channel for reminders, Snackadillo, events, photos.  No question is too big or small – a great way to access a support network.


What do I need to do?


The Prep What’s App channel is an ‘opt in’ channel.  If you would like to be added to this channel, please email Sabina on sabina_sopov@hotmail.com with your full name and mobile number.


Looking forward to hearing back from you and meeting you in the new year.


Take care, Sabina.


Prep J Mum – Nicholas

PFA Year Level Representative Coordinator