Parent News

Drop Off Zones
This is a reminder that the Drop Off Zones at the front of the school are to be used purely for dropping your child to school.
We have been made aware that some parents are sitting in their cars for extended periods of time with their students waiting for school to start at 8:50am. This causes traffic congestion in the drop off zone and is inconsiderate to other parents.
Please be courteous to others who are wanting to use this area.
Likewise, if you need to come into the school office please use the allocated short term parking bays.
Careers & Pathways
Parent/Guardian Decision Making Webinar
Year 10 and 12 students need to make some big decisions. Year 10 students have started exploring their Senior School VCE and IB subject options in SECC classes. Year 12 students have been exploring their career options beyond high school in meetings with Ms Holmes and Mr Taig across Term 1 and 2.
Discussions at home are an important part of this decision making. We will host a Decision Making Webinar at 6pm, Wednesday 7 June. Parents and guardians can join the webinar to learn some tips to engage their children in these important discussions. More details will be posted on the Compass newsfeed before the event.
We will also be holding Subject Expo and Subject Counselling in Term 3 to help Year 10s finalise their subject choices. Year 12s will be supported to apply for university and TAFE courses in August when the VTAC application opens.
Visit the SCHS Careers website for more careers resources.
Brendan Taig - Careers Practitioner
Drop Off Zones
This is a reminder that the Drop Off Zones at the front of the school are to be used purely for dropping your child to school.
We have been made aware that some parents are sitting in their cars for extended periods of time with their students waiting for school to start at 8:50am. This causes traffic congestion in the drop off zone and is inconsiderate to other parents.
Please be courteous to others who are wanting to use this area.
Likewise, if you need to come into the school office please use the allocated short term parking bays.
Attendance Information
If your child is absent, please follow the steps below:
Option 1
Call SCHS on 8734 2800 and leave a message on the absence line before 10:00 am
Include: Student Full Name
House & Home Group
Reason for Absence
Option 2
Include: Student Full Name
House & Home Group
Reason for Absence
Option 3
Logging into the Compass Parent Portal before 10am (how to guide)
Late Arrival to School
If a student arrives to school after 8.50am they are to sign in at the Compass kiosk or at the General Office. Parents can call the SCHS General Office to report any late arrivals.
Medical Certificates & Proof of Isolation Documents
Include: Student Full Name
House & Home Group
Further Information on Attendance can be found on the SCHS Attendance Policy attached below:
Kathryn Boxer Enrolments Manager
Reminder about Train & Tram Safety
As many of o
ur students use public transport it is a timely reminder to ensure you are acting safely around trains and trams. In particular, students should not be crossing in front of trains or trams.
PTV has great resources to help you stay safe whilst travelling on their network.
Parent & Emergency Contact Information
It is extremely important that your contact details are up to date and you have emergency contact information listed with the school. This information should be updated as necessary. It is particularly important that we have someone to call if parents are unable to receive phone calls at work.
Only contacts listed as emergency contacts are permitted to collect students from school during the day.
Please note that older siblings over 18 may be listed as emergency contacts. To update your details please email
Leaving Early / Sick Bay
Please ensure your child is aware of any appointments or requirement to leave school early prior to coming to school. Students are not permitted to use their mobile phones whilst at school and are therefore unable to receive text messages from parents or guardians. Parents are to add an attendance note on Compass and sign them out from the office when you arrive.
Likewise, students are not to call parents when they are sick.
Students who are feeling unwell should report to sickbay and if are deemed unwell you will be contacted to collect them.
We have a large number of COVID tests which in date until June and August. They are available at the office if you would like some.
Facebook SCHS Community Group
Hello Parents/Guardians
In case you missed it, SCHS have a Facebook community group that you are welcome to join. This is just an informal forum where you can touch base with other members in the community. To join, click here and please ensure you answer the questions.
Please follow the road rules
Please ensure that you follow the road rules, especially during the busy times of school drop off and pick up. If you drive into the school grounds, please go all the way around the circle to allow for more cars to enter the school. We have noticed parents stopping a little short when dropping off students, which causes more traffic chaos on the main road.
Also a reminder, that you can not turn right during the morning and afternoon drop off times. We understand that this may be a slight inconvenience, however the rule is there to help traffic run smoothly. During this time, it's also when many students are crossing the road. Not everyone is paying full attention and this is where accidents can happen.
Pick Up Zone
May we also remind you that the pick up zone at the front of the school is not to be used as a waiting bay. Please ensure you are only using this area to pick up your child when they are ready to be collected. Students are permitted to use their phones as soon as the final bell rings. Please encourage your children to inform you if they are going to be delayed after school.